Everyone has his/ her own purpose to accomplish in this world....
And I know what my purpose is....
Very stupid of me to turn my back on it....
When I know that I am putting myself in deep shit....
It's like me sending havoc to destroy my very own rice field.....
I have my own purpose to serve and thats wat I am meant to do....
Until that time shows itself again, I shall do my very best and fulfil what I have brought with me all along.....
Even though with every sacrifice I have to make, because all along it never is a sacrifice at all....
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Been seeing this girl walking along Exhibition St and Bourke St Three times now....
When she approaches me, she always says "do you have any change?"
And I always ignore her.... and keep on walking....
After I left her behind, I started to think should I have given her or not?
What if she really needs some money, let's say for food?
I could have put a smile on her face, even though it's only for a while...
This happens not once but THRICE
Yet when I saw her, there is just this weird feeling telling me to ignore....
Should I or Should I not?
When she approaches me, she always says "do you have any change?"
And I always ignore her.... and keep on walking....
After I left her behind, I started to think should I have given her or not?
What if she really needs some money, let's say for food?
I could have put a smile on her face, even though it's only for a while...
This happens not once but THRICE
Yet when I saw her, there is just this weird feeling telling me to ignore....
Should I or Should I not?
Friday, 29 August 2008
Feel like am having Malaise....
Wish I could just rest in peace.....
Seriously feel like Shit.... Excuse my speech...
Why at such time?
What to do?
Who is there for me?
Pitying myself.... Talking to myself....
Wish I could just rest in peace.....
Seriously feel like Shit.... Excuse my speech...
Why at such time?
What to do?
Who is there for me?
Pitying myself.... Talking to myself....
Thursday, 28 August 2008
It's good to know that he is being independent and taking responsibility for his own studies.....
That he is putting every single effort into it....
Albeit it tears me down to lose one of my friends whom I only have a few and treasure like gems...
Yet, knowing that it turns out to be better for him....
is sufficient to fill my heart with joy...
Good on you!!! Do your best!!! :)
That he is putting every single effort into it....
Albeit it tears me down to lose one of my friends whom I only have a few and treasure like gems...
Yet, knowing that it turns out to be better for him....
is sufficient to fill my heart with joy...
Good on you!!! Do your best!!! :)
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Missing Home....
All of a sudden..... There is this transient feeling of homesick....
I miss my parents....
I miss my grandparents....
I miss my friends.....
I miss my house in Medan....
I miss my bedroom....
I miss all the TV shows.... All the Taiwanese Drama my Mom and Dad always tune in everyday from 18.30 WIB.....
I miss the every Saturday Oldies Karaoke session.....
I miss my mom's cooking....
I miss the everyday breakfast..... Cha Kue Tiaw, Wan Tan Mie, Ak Bihun, Nasi Gurih, Ke Pui, Ce Pui, Huana Pui....
I miss the Kia Ca Ke session with my friends.....
Shall I go back earlier? But there are still some stuffs I want to do here.... and need to find some money for my Destination Osaka and London as well.... Can't rely everything upon my Dad....
I miss my parents....
I miss my grandparents....
I miss my friends.....
I miss my house in Medan....
I miss my bedroom....
I miss all the TV shows.... All the Taiwanese Drama my Mom and Dad always tune in everyday from 18.30 WIB.....
I miss the every Saturday Oldies Karaoke session.....
I miss my mom's cooking....
I miss the everyday breakfast..... Cha Kue Tiaw, Wan Tan Mie, Ak Bihun, Nasi Gurih, Ke Pui, Ce Pui, Huana Pui....
I miss the Kia Ca Ke session with my friends.....
Shall I go back earlier? But there are still some stuffs I want to do here.... and need to find some money for my Destination Osaka and London as well.... Can't rely everything upon my Dad....
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Sunday, 24 August 2008
Life is Like a Boat
Nobody knows who I really am
I never felt this empty before
And if I ever need someone to come along,
Who's gonna comfort me, and keep me strong?
We are all rowing the boat of fate
The waves keep on coming and we can't escape
But if we ever get lost on our way
The waves would guide you through another day
"どおう で いき お してる とおめい に なった みたい
くだやみ に おもえ だけど めかく しされて ただけ”
Far away, I'm breathing, as if I were transparent
It would seem I was in the dark, but I was only blindfolded
”いのり お ささげて あたらしい ひ お まつ
あさやか に ひかる うみ その はて まで”
I give a prayer as I wait for the new day
Shining vividly up to the edge of that sea
Nobody knows who I really am
Maybe they just don't give a damn
But if I ever need someone to come along
I know you would follow me, and keep me strong
”ひと の こころ わ うつちゆく むけだしてく なる
つき わ まだ あたらしい しゅうき で むね お つれてけう”
People's hearts change and sneak away from them
The moon in its new cycle leads the boats again
And every time I see your face
The ocean heaves up to my heart
You make me wanna strain at the oars, and soon
I can see the shore
Oh, I can see the shore
When will I see the shore?
I want you to know who I really am
I never thought I'd feel this way towards you
And if you ever need someone to come along,
I will follow you, and keep you strong
”たび た まだ つずいてく おだやかな ひ も
つき わ また あたらしい しゅうき で うめ お てらしだす”
And still the journey continues on quiet days as well
The moon in its new cycle shines on the boats again
”いのり お ささげて あたらしい ひ お まつ
あさやか に ひかる うみ その はて まで”
I give a prayer as I wait for the new day
Shining vividly up to the edge of that sea
And every time I see your face
The ocean heaves up to my heart
You make me wanna strain at the oars, and soon
I can see the shore
”うんめい の ふねおこ ぎ なみ わ つぎ から つき え と わたしたち お そう けどそれ も すてき な たび ね、どれ も すてき な たび ね”
We are rowing the boat of fate, but the waves keep attacking us
But isn't that still a wonderful journey? Aren't any of them a wonderful journey?
I never felt this empty before
And if I ever need someone to come along,
Who's gonna comfort me, and keep me strong?
We are all rowing the boat of fate
The waves keep on coming and we can't escape
But if we ever get lost on our way
The waves would guide you through another day
"どおう で いき お してる とおめい に なった みたい
くだやみ に おもえ だけど めかく しされて ただけ”
Far away, I'm breathing, as if I were transparent
It would seem I was in the dark, but I was only blindfolded
”いのり お ささげて あたらしい ひ お まつ
あさやか に ひかる うみ その はて まで”
I give a prayer as I wait for the new day
Shining vividly up to the edge of that sea
Nobody knows who I really am
Maybe they just don't give a damn
But if I ever need someone to come along
I know you would follow me, and keep me strong
”ひと の こころ わ うつちゆく むけだしてく なる
つき わ まだ あたらしい しゅうき で むね お つれてけう”
People's hearts change and sneak away from them
The moon in its new cycle leads the boats again
And every time I see your face
The ocean heaves up to my heart
You make me wanna strain at the oars, and soon
I can see the shore
Oh, I can see the shore
When will I see the shore?
I want you to know who I really am
I never thought I'd feel this way towards you
And if you ever need someone to come along,
I will follow you, and keep you strong
”たび た まだ つずいてく おだやかな ひ も
つき わ また あたらしい しゅうき で うめ お てらしだす”
And still the journey continues on quiet days as well
The moon in its new cycle shines on the boats again
”いのり お ささげて あたらしい ひ お まつ
あさやか に ひかる うみ その はて まで”
I give a prayer as I wait for the new day
Shining vividly up to the edge of that sea
And every time I see your face
The ocean heaves up to my heart
You make me wanna strain at the oars, and soon
I can see the shore
”うんめい の ふねおこ ぎ なみ わ つぎ から つき え と わたしたち お そう けどそれ も すてき な たび ね、どれ も すてき な たび ね”
We are rowing the boat of fate, but the waves keep attacking us
But isn't that still a wonderful journey? Aren't any of them a wonderful journey?
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
I wonder why?
A single thought of you
The flowers start budding....
Just hearing from you
The flowers to bloom....
Simply looking at you
The fruits be borne....
Being with you
The fruits to ripen....
I wonder why......
The flowers start budding....
Just hearing from you
The flowers to bloom....
Simply looking at you
The fruits be borne....
Being with you
The fruits to ripen....
I wonder why......
Lucu kah? Tapi memang betul kok.... hehe
(1) Tadi malam aku kirim bidadari untuk menjaga tidurmu. Eh, dia buru-buru balik. Katanya, 'Ah, masa bidadari disuruh jaga bidadari?'
(2) Kalau kamu nanya berapa kali kamu datang ke pikiranku, jujur aja, cuma sekali. abisnya, ga pergi2 sih!
(3) Sempet bingung jg, kok aku bisa senyum sendiri. Baru nyadar, aku lagi mikirin kamu.
(4) Kalau suatu saat kamu hancurkan hatiku... akan kucintai kamu dengan kepingannya yang tersisa.
(5) Berusaha melupakanmu, sama sulitnya dengan mengingat seseorang yang tak pernah kukenal.
(6) Kalau kamu ajak aku melompat bareng, aku ngga bakalan mau. Mending aku lari ke bawah, bersiap menangkapmu.
(7) Aku pernah jatuhkan setetes air mata di selat Sunda. Di hari aku bisa menemukannya lagi, itulah waktunya aku berhenti mencintaimu.
(8) Ga usah janjiin bintang dan bulan untuk aku, cukup janjiin kamu bakal selalu bersamaku di bawah cahayanya.
(9) Kalau kamu nanya mana yg lebih penting buat aku: hidupku atau hidupmu, aku bakal jawab hidupku. Eits, jangan marah dulu, karena kamulah hidupku.
(10) Pertama ketemu, aku takut ngomong sama kamu. Pertama ngomong sama kamu, aku takut kalau nanti suka sama kamu. Udah suka, aku makin takut kalau jatuh cinta. Setelah sekarang cinta sama kamu, aku jadi bener2 takut kehilangan kamu. Kamu emang menakutkan!
(11) Ketika hidup memberiku seratus alasan untuk menangis, kau datang membawa seribu alasan untuk tersenyum.
(12) Jika aku bisa jadi bagian dari dirimu, aku mau jadi airmatamu, yang tersimpan di hatimu, lahir dari matamu, hidup di pipimu, dan mati di bibirmu
(13) Orang bilang bulan itu indah...tapi aku bilang tidak. Orang bilang planet venus itu cantik...tapi menurut aku tidak. Aku bilang bumi itu indah dan cantik...karena ada kamu.
(2) Kalau kamu nanya berapa kali kamu datang ke pikiranku, jujur aja, cuma sekali. abisnya, ga pergi2 sih!
(3) Sempet bingung jg, kok aku bisa senyum sendiri. Baru nyadar, aku lagi mikirin kamu.
(4) Kalau suatu saat kamu hancurkan hatiku... akan kucintai kamu dengan kepingannya yang tersisa.
(5) Berusaha melupakanmu, sama sulitnya dengan mengingat seseorang yang tak pernah kukenal.
(6) Kalau kamu ajak aku melompat bareng, aku ngga bakalan mau. Mending aku lari ke bawah, bersiap menangkapmu.
(7) Aku pernah jatuhkan setetes air mata di selat Sunda. Di hari aku bisa menemukannya lagi, itulah waktunya aku berhenti mencintaimu.
(8) Ga usah janjiin bintang dan bulan untuk aku, cukup janjiin kamu bakal selalu bersamaku di bawah cahayanya.
(9) Kalau kamu nanya mana yg lebih penting buat aku: hidupku atau hidupmu, aku bakal jawab hidupku. Eits, jangan marah dulu, karena kamulah hidupku.
(10) Pertama ketemu, aku takut ngomong sama kamu. Pertama ngomong sama kamu, aku takut kalau nanti suka sama kamu. Udah suka, aku makin takut kalau jatuh cinta. Setelah sekarang cinta sama kamu, aku jadi bener2 takut kehilangan kamu. Kamu emang menakutkan!
(11) Ketika hidup memberiku seratus alasan untuk menangis, kau datang membawa seribu alasan untuk tersenyum.
(12) Jika aku bisa jadi bagian dari dirimu, aku mau jadi airmatamu, yang tersimpan di hatimu, lahir dari matamu, hidup di pipimu, dan mati di bibirmu
(13) Orang bilang bulan itu indah...tapi aku bilang tidak. Orang bilang planet venus itu cantik...tapi menurut aku tidak. Aku bilang bumi itu indah dan cantik...karena ada kamu.
Sunday, 17 August 2008
Ms Patient....
Sometimes I really dun understand the patient....
Is it hard to say whether you have had the medicine before?
Is it that annoying to check with you if you have had any allergic reaction to any medication previously?
Is it wrong to double check with you?
You said it's intimidating.... Because the doctor has gone through everything with you... Just do exactly as the doctor write on the script.
Wth? It's FOR YOUR SAKE Ms Patient!!!! Do you know how many mistakes I have picked up from the doctor script??? Some doctors don't even know how to write a DD script ok? Calculate dose oso can wrong....
To double check with you so hard meh? Talk a bit can die har?
Also.... I AM NOT doctors' servant.... OK? My boss is my PHARMACIST!!! NOT your doctor!!!! So never ask me to follow your doctor's order....
We pharmacists reserve the right to question the doctor's decision on our patient's therapy!!!
Seriously the first thing in the morning... meeting such a patient... wew....
Is it hard to say whether you have had the medicine before?
Is it that annoying to check with you if you have had any allergic reaction to any medication previously?
Is it wrong to double check with you?
You said it's intimidating.... Because the doctor has gone through everything with you... Just do exactly as the doctor write on the script.
Wth? It's FOR YOUR SAKE Ms Patient!!!! Do you know how many mistakes I have picked up from the doctor script??? Some doctors don't even know how to write a DD script ok? Calculate dose oso can wrong....
To double check with you so hard meh? Talk a bit can die har?
Also.... I AM NOT doctors' servant.... OK? My boss is my PHARMACIST!!! NOT your doctor!!!! So never ask me to follow your doctor's order....
We pharmacists reserve the right to question the doctor's decision on our patient's therapy!!!
Seriously the first thing in the morning... meeting such a patient... wew....
Friday, 15 August 2008
The Road not Chosen

Two Roads diverged in the yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost (1874-1963)
Alles werden schon gemacht....
Jetzt kann ich nur vorgehen und vorgehen....
nichts bereuen!!!
Wie ein Zitat von Ludwig Wittgenstein
"Die Tatsachen gehören alle zur Aufgabe, nicht zur Lösung."
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost (1874-1963)
Alles werden schon gemacht....
Jetzt kann ich nur vorgehen und vorgehen....
nichts bereuen!!!
Wie ein Zitat von Ludwig Wittgenstein
"Die Tatsachen gehören alle zur Aufgabe, nicht zur Lösung."
Thursday, 14 August 2008
I hate VIRUS
It makes me unwell.... yet there is nothing I can do to make it sick... haha...
Seriously so annoying..... From throat up to parotid gland and Eustaschian Tube....
Sore throat, painful jaw, blocked ears.....
Slight fever, headache, body weakness.....
Go Away Virus.... Go Away.....
It makes me unwell.... yet there is nothing I can do to make it sick... haha...
Seriously so annoying..... From throat up to parotid gland and Eustaschian Tube....
Sore throat, painful jaw, blocked ears.....
Slight fever, headache, body weakness.....
Go Away Virus.... Go Away.....
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Study Group....
Am Supposed to run the first Study Group ever with KC this Saturday....
Theme we'll be looking at...
Talked with KC and 've got some plans on my mind....
Hope it goes well.....
Excited and Nervous.... Been a long time... hmmm... What a memory it was backthen before coming here....
Theme we'll be looking at...
Talked with KC and 've got some plans on my mind....
Hope it goes well.....
Excited and Nervous.... Been a long time... hmmm... What a memory it was backthen before coming here....
One of the things I really want at the moment is perhaps a little bit of courage in myself....
Sometimes I wonder why I end up taking another turn and detour from my main road....
I could just keep moving forward, given that I've got all it takes....
But still... sigh....
I know oral alpha1 blocker is not to be used during breastfeeding and pregnancy..... Janice's told me before...
Yet when I am about to tell my patient to go for Nasal spray or Paracetamol..... I end up asking Karen to tell the patient exactly the same things on my mind....
Need to be more confident and spontaneous.......
Sometimes I wonder why I end up taking another turn and detour from my main road....
I could just keep moving forward, given that I've got all it takes....
But still... sigh....
I know oral alpha1 blocker is not to be used during breastfeeding and pregnancy..... Janice's told me before...
Yet when I am about to tell my patient to go for Nasal spray or Paracetamol..... I end up asking Karen to tell the patient exactly the same things on my mind....
Need to be more confident and spontaneous.......
Sunday, 10 August 2008
Saturday, 9 August 2008
I find it quite surprising that many people actually know me
I can't remember if I've met them before...
trying to go unnoticed BUT being noticed
I can't remember if I've met them before...
trying to go unnoticed BUT being noticed
Friday, 8 August 2008
Something seriously THRILLS me...
What's this ar? A feeling of
Bwahahahaha.... Like drinking a CONCOCTION of THESE......
feels just like.... Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.....
What's this ar? A feeling of
Bwahahahaha.... Like drinking a CONCOCTION of THESE......
feels just like.... Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.....
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
Monday, 4 August 2008
Today is so SIAN!!!!
Feel so lifeless....
Couldn't believe I had a good nap after Lecture..... straight from 10.30 to 2.30.....
and.... quite suprisingly.... I feel sleepy now... yes I mean NOW...
Dunno wats wrong with me ar.....
Never Had I done dat before.....
Most Unbelievable....
I skipped lunch....
Hey.... It's NOT exam period....
and I seriously had no apetite at all.....
Dinner was just alrite.....
Couldn't stuff much in....
Might have skipped it though, had I not gone out with them....
Seriously wat's going on here?
Moodless... Lifeless... Hypersomnia.... No Apetite.....
Seems like symptoms of Depression to me....
Feel so lifeless....
Couldn't believe I had a good nap after Lecture..... straight from 10.30 to 2.30.....
and.... quite suprisingly.... I feel sleepy now... yes I mean NOW...
Dunno wats wrong with me ar.....
Never Had I done dat before.....
Most Unbelievable....
I skipped lunch....
Hey.... It's NOT exam period....
and I seriously had no apetite at all.....
Dinner was just alrite.....
Couldn't stuff much in....
Might have skipped it though, had I not gone out with them....
Seriously wat's going on here?
Moodless... Lifeless... Hypersomnia.... No Apetite.....
Seems like symptoms of Depression to me....
Saturday, 2 August 2008
It's a shame.... that I don't even know what to do during emergency....
What I've learnt all along are not relevant...
Heck with Health professional, when I don't even have a single idea on wat's going on....
I don't even have any idea on how to treat...
And the worst and most embarassing is....
I don't even have the courage to approach it....
What a limitation a pharmacist has eh?
Perhaps I should really transfer to Medicine...
they are first point of contact in emergency....
Everyone was asking for doctors ONLY...
Still those doctors wouldn't know much about the stuffs they prescribed.... which in the end their patients depend on....
Yet, I find myself requiring the latter as well...
What a joke...
Knowledge about therapy only isn't sufficient....
I need more...
both the doctor's and pharmacist's skills....
would be awesome...
I crave not for the surgical skills.....
Only to the extent of diagnosis and emergency resuscitation....
would balance stuffs up....
Way to go were I to reach out to my goals....
What I've learnt all along are not relevant...
Heck with Health professional, when I don't even have a single idea on wat's going on....
I don't even have any idea on how to treat...
And the worst and most embarassing is....
I don't even have the courage to approach it....
What a limitation a pharmacist has eh?
Perhaps I should really transfer to Medicine...
they are first point of contact in emergency....
Everyone was asking for doctors ONLY...
Still those doctors wouldn't know much about the stuffs they prescribed.... which in the end their patients depend on....
Yet, I find myself requiring the latter as well...
What a joke...
Knowledge about therapy only isn't sufficient....
I need more...
both the doctor's and pharmacist's skills....
would be awesome...
I crave not for the surgical skills.....
Only to the extent of diagnosis and emergency resuscitation....
would balance stuffs up....
Way to go were I to reach out to my goals....
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