Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Monday, 26 January 2009
Happy Chinese 牛 Year!!!!
I received a notice from Mr Ho Tan Ciak, that in welcoming Chinese New Year, he and his family will be visiting everyone reading my blog .....
His Children...
Will Usher new year and wishing everyone reading my blog
His Children...
Ho Wun (Good Luck)
Ho Kun (Good Sleep)
Ho Ciak (Good Meal)
Ho Xin Tei (Good Health)
Ho Kang Tao (Good Business)
Will Usher new year and wishing everyone reading my blog
Gong Xi Fa Cai
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
always make my heart cry....
How many more do I have to experience??????
This year of Rat........
It's just too much for me......
always make my heart cry....
How many more do I have to experience??????
This year of Rat........
It's just too much for me......
Sunday, 18 January 2009
`The World of Microbiology and a Touch of Art and Creativity...
Received an email from a friend of mine....
Couldn't resist the temptation to put these little fellows up....
Newai here are some of the cute cute microbes XD
Eschericia coli
Most famous and favourite Bacteria I suppose...

Streptococcus sp.
These guys cause quite a number of infections including SORE-THROAT

Neisseria gonorrhoea
As the name suggest these fellows are infamous for one of the STDs GONORRHOEA

Helicobacter pylorus
Heard of the triple therapy? Apparently this little fellow causes Stomach Ulcer.... Believe it or Not....

Propionibacterium acne
ACNE is caused by bacteria!!!! Don't trust those gigs telling you not to eat chocolate or Peanuts or whatever..... ><
Shigella dysentriae
Diarrhoea? Tummy felt not right.... Could be caused by this guy here.....

Streptococcus pyogenes A
This one causes rather serious infection..... Gangrene / Perfringens..... Just look at the fork and knife he's got... haha

Salmonella sp.
Typhoid fever? Could be due to one of this strain...

Couldn't resist the temptation to put these little fellows up....
Newai here are some of the cute cute microbes XD
Eschericia coli
Most famous and favourite Bacteria I suppose...

Streptococcus sp.
These guys cause quite a number of infections including SORE-THROAT

Neisseria gonorrhoea
As the name suggest these fellows are infamous for one of the STDs GONORRHOEA

Helicobacter pylorus
Heard of the triple therapy? Apparently this little fellow causes Stomach Ulcer.... Believe it or Not....

Propionibacterium acne
ACNE is caused by bacteria!!!! Don't trust those gigs telling you not to eat chocolate or Peanuts or whatever..... ><

Shigella dysentriae
Diarrhoea? Tummy felt not right.... Could be caused by this guy here.....

Streptococcus pyogenes A
This one causes rather serious infection..... Gangrene / Perfringens..... Just look at the fork and knife he's got... haha

Salmonella sp.
Typhoid fever? Could be due to one of this strain...

Streptobacillus sp.
Not too sure if this fellow is called so..... Diplobacillus just doesn't sound right to me.... ha6
It says cough on the label.... But not necessarily the case... Misleading....
Treponema pallidum
Syphillis? heard of it??? Make sure you get rid of this guy if "by any chance" you happen to be his friend XD Not a very nice fellow.....
Play safe people..... It's only a couple of bucks for a preventative measure.... lol...
Yersinia pestis
The Bubonic Plague.... Killing thousands of people during the Middle Age...... These fellows usually hitchhike on fleas to get to work....... ><
AAAACHHOOOooo.... Yes!!!! Common Cold!!!! This cute-cute fellow here... As the name suggest, it's a VIRUS... So Antibacteria or more commonly referred as Antibiotics don't work against that guy..... Then how? Rest well, Maintain fluid intake, Eat well and paracetamol with a couple of adjuncts when necessary....
Varicella Zoster Virus
Chicken Pox!!!!!! looks just like a chicken.... ;)
Ebola Virus
Definitely a fellow you won't want to screw up with...... No survivor has been reported.... errrr....
Looks really friendly though... haha
Eipstein-Barr Virus
Kiss... Kiss.... Kiss..... Kiss the virus away.... to your PARTNER.... lol
This virus here causes kissing disease.... because.... it's transmitted via kissing.....
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Bet you definitely know about this one.... Well..... Update... we can't exterminate it at the moment... but we can suppress it's growth.... sounds better?
Herpes Simplex
Cold Sore? Herpes? Shingles? You name it..... A couple of fancy name.... Guanidine Analogue (Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Famcyclovir) Now you know some examples of Antiviral....
Rabies or "Mad dog disease???" haha wonder if that term actually exists..... lol
Influenza....... More serious and dangerous than Common cold although symptoms appear to pretty similar.....
Plasmodium falciparum
Typically causes Malaria.... Quite a problem now... Since it has grown resistance to many drugs
that used to be effective.... Vector Anopheles
Trypanosoma cruzi
Love sleeping? This one must be your good fren.... haha Sleeping Disease..... Vector Tse-Tse Fly
Well.... Feel like studying Microbiology? lol
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Tujuh Penyakit Wanita....
The following content has been classified as PG. It contains information that some people may find insulting. Apart from that it's HILLARIOUS....... If you know Indo of course =P
7 Penyakit Wanita !!!
Berdasarkan sebuah survey, ini adalah beberapa penyakit yang sering dan biasanya dialami oleh wanita...
1. Nangisuitis
Akibat terlalu sensitif. Gejalanya bibir cemberut, mata kedip-kedip. Efek sampingnya mata bengkak, saputangan banjir, hidung meler, bawaannya ngurung diri atau terkena penyakit Curhatitis A.
Penyakit ini bisa diobati dengan obat Tegaridol, OBH (Obat Berhati Hamba).
2. Curhatitis
Bawaannya pengen nyerocos, Efek samping rahasia orang bisa bocor,
terkena Nangisuitis.
Penyakit ini bisa diarahkan positif jika ia
bercuhatitisnya ke orang yang tepat, apalagi sama Tuhan.
3. Shooping Syndrome
Gejalanya pengen jalan mulu, mata melotot, Efek sampingnya lidah
ngiler, mulut nganga, dompet jadi tipis. Jika sudah masuk stadium 4
(parah banget) dompet cowoknya ikut tipis.
Coba minum hematcold atau tablet PD (Pengendalian Diri).
4. Cerewetisme
Lebih parah dari Curhatitis B, tidak mengandung titik koma. Efek
samping muncrat, telinga tetangga budek, dada cowoknya bisa jadi lebih
halus karena sering mengelus.
Lebih cepat makan pil dengar dan minum tablet bicara lebih diperlambat.
5. Lamanian Dandanitos
Pengennya diem depan cermin. Tangan kiri gatel-gatel pengen pegang
sisir, tangan kanan kram-kram pengen teplok-teplok pipi pake bedak. Efek
samping: menor, telat, cowoknya berkarat, gak kebagian makanan. Minum
segera Sari Bawak (Bagi Waktu) dan Taperi (tambah percaya diri).
Buat cowok minum Toleransikipil 230 sendok sehari sesudah dan sebelum
6. Cemburunotomy
Gejala muka lonjong, tangan mengepal, alis menukik.
Coba cegah dengan obat sirup prasangka baik tiga sendok sehari, Pil pengertian dan tablet
selidiki dahulu.
7. Ngambekilation
Gejala hampir sama dengan Cemburubotomy.
Minum Sabaron dan Bersyukurinis.
NB : - Jika sakit berlanjut, segera bawa ke Puskesmatos terdekat didaerah anda !!!
- Jgn biarkan penyakit ini menyerang pacar anda atau istri anda !!!
The following content has been classified as PG. It contains information that some people may find insulting. Apart from that it's HILLARIOUS....... If you know Indo of course =P
7 Penyakit Wanita !!!
Berdasarkan sebuah survey, ini adalah beberapa penyakit yang sering dan biasanya dialami oleh wanita...
1. Nangisuitis
Akibat terlalu sensitif. Gejalanya bibir cemberut, mata kedip-kedip. Efek sampingnya mata bengkak, saputangan banjir, hidung meler, bawaannya ngurung diri atau terkena penyakit Curhatitis A.
Penyakit ini bisa diobati dengan obat Tegaridol, OBH (Obat Berhati Hamba).
2. Curhatitis
Bawaannya pengen nyerocos, Efek samping rahasia orang bisa bocor,
terkena Nangisuitis.
Penyakit ini bisa diarahkan positif jika ia
bercuhatitisnya ke orang yang tepat, apalagi sama Tuhan.
3. Shooping Syndrome
Gejalanya pengen jalan mulu, mata melotot, Efek sampingnya lidah
ngiler, mulut nganga, dompet jadi tipis. Jika sudah masuk stadium 4
(parah banget) dompet cowoknya ikut tipis.
Coba minum hematcold atau tablet PD (Pengendalian Diri).
4. Cerewetisme
Lebih parah dari Curhatitis B, tidak mengandung titik koma. Efek
samping muncrat, telinga tetangga budek, dada cowoknya bisa jadi lebih
halus karena sering mengelus.
Lebih cepat makan pil dengar dan minum tablet bicara lebih diperlambat.
5. Lamanian Dandanitos
Pengennya diem depan cermin. Tangan kiri gatel-gatel pengen pegang
sisir, tangan kanan kram-kram pengen teplok-teplok pipi pake bedak. Efek
samping: menor, telat, cowoknya berkarat, gak kebagian makanan. Minum
segera Sari Bawak (Bagi Waktu) dan Taperi (tambah percaya diri).
Buat cowok minum Toleransikipil 230 sendok sehari sesudah dan sebelum
6. Cemburunotomy
Gejala muka lonjong, tangan mengepal, alis menukik.
Coba cegah dengan obat sirup prasangka baik tiga sendok sehari, Pil pengertian dan tablet
selidiki dahulu.
7. Ngambekilation
Gejala hampir sama dengan Cemburubotomy.
Minum Sabaron dan Bersyukurinis.
NB : - Jika sakit berlanjut, segera bawa ke Puskesmatos terdekat didaerah anda !!!
- Jgn biarkan penyakit ini menyerang pacar anda atau istri anda !!!
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Monday, 5 January 2009
1. Is there anything wrong?
-> So far so Good....
2. Would you kiss anyone on your friends list
-> Nah
3. Where do/did you live?
-> Melbourne/Medan
4. How many kids do you want to have?
-> Two would be enough
5. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
-> Absolutely
6. What did you do for your last birthday?
-> A Call for celebration... -.-!!
7. What were you doing last night?
-> Lazing around....
8. Name something or anything you CANNOT wait for?
-> The moment I become a Pharmacist.
9. Why?
-> It's obvious isn't it?
10. What is something(s) you would want to change in your life?
-> What comes around, goes around
11. What's your favorite month?
-> seems the same to me
12. What is your least favorite month?
-> every month is the same
13. Do you like peanut butter?
-> Not really
14. Who’s making you feel the way you are right now?
-> hmm.... I wonder haha
15. Most visited webpage?
-> hotmail, my monash lol
16. Last person to make you mad?
-> err when was the last time I was mad..... Aighhhh Was due to that issue... isshhh
17. Coke or pepsi?
-> Coke
18.Chocolate or Vanilla?
-> chocolate
19. Fun thing to look forward to this week?
-> FUN? I wonder...
20. How many siblings do you have?
-> 1
21. Do you have any pets?
-> nah
22. Whats your favorite number/s?
-> 1 & 9
23. What did you do after school?
-> School? I'm on holidayssssss
24. Do you have a best friend?
-> Used to
25. Do you have a crush?
-> nah
26. Are you in a fight with anyone?
-> Fight? Nah
27. What are you listening to right now?
-> 药师灌顶真言
1. What do you hate most?
-> Being alone and left out around people.... m used to it sigh.... (I like spending my own time alone though)
2. Have you ever gotten in a fight?
-> nah....
3. Is there any types of rumor going around about you?
-> there might or there might not be.... cbb
1. Is there anything wrong?
-> So far so Good....
2. Would you kiss anyone on your friends list
-> Nah
3. Where do/did you live?
-> Melbourne/Medan
4. How many kids do you want to have?
-> Two would be enough
5. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
-> Absolutely
6. What did you do for your last birthday?
-> A Call for celebration... -.-!!
7. What were you doing last night?
-> Lazing around....
8. Name something or anything you CANNOT wait for?
-> The moment I become a Pharmacist.
9. Why?
-> It's obvious isn't it?
10. What is something(s) you would want to change in your life?
-> What comes around, goes around
11. What's your favorite month?
-> seems the same to me
12. What is your least favorite month?
-> every month is the same
13. Do you like peanut butter?
-> Not really
14. Who’s making you feel the way you are right now?
-> hmm.... I wonder haha
15. Most visited webpage?
-> hotmail, my monash lol
16. Last person to make you mad?
-> err when was the last time I was mad..... Aighhhh Was due to that issue... isshhh
17. Coke or pepsi?
-> Coke
18.Chocolate or Vanilla?
-> chocolate
19. Fun thing to look forward to this week?
-> FUN? I wonder...
20. How many siblings do you have?
-> 1
21. Do you have any pets?
-> nah
22. Whats your favorite number/s?
-> 1 & 9
23. What did you do after school?
-> School? I'm on holidayssssss
24. Do you have a best friend?
-> Used to
25. Do you have a crush?
-> nah
26. Are you in a fight with anyone?
-> Fight? Nah
27. What are you listening to right now?
-> 药师灌顶真言
1. What do you hate most?
-> Being alone and left out around people.... m used to it sigh.... (I like spending my own time alone though)
2. Have you ever gotten in a fight?
-> nah....
3. Is there any types of rumor going around about you?
-> there might or there might not be.... cbb
Friday, 2 January 2009
海角七號 aka Cape No 7
A very very nice movie..... Mixture of comedy and romance.... It's a taiwanese movie... so if you understand 臺語 or Hokkien you'll see why the movie is a good one.... Japs is also a plus... but not much of the story line is in Japs except for the past....
Main actors are 范逸臣 and 田中千絵(tanaka chie)
Wonder why so many languages in this movie? That's because Taiwanese speak Mandarin, hokkien and japs in everyday lives.... he6...
Here a soundtrack from the movie titled 情書... Seriously watch the movie if you can.... it is really really good!!!!!
Grabbed these from youtube.. His playing is awesome though.... feels the whelming emotion....
And this one as well...
A very very nice movie..... Mixture of comedy and romance.... It's a taiwanese movie... so if you understand 臺語 or Hokkien you'll see why the movie is a good one.... Japs is also a plus... but not much of the story line is in Japs except for the past....
Main actors are 范逸臣 and 田中千絵(tanaka chie)
Wonder why so many languages in this movie? That's because Taiwanese speak Mandarin, hokkien and japs in everyday lives.... he6...
Here a soundtrack from the movie titled 情書... Seriously watch the movie if you can.... it is really really good!!!!!
Grabbed these from youtube.. His playing is awesome though.... feels the whelming emotion....
And this one as well...
M Back!!!!
Last month was quite a trip.... hoho
Was fun and glad to see her.... Knowing she is doing alrite and meeting up new people... Such a satisfaction... wew...
Was the busiest month I had... er... Busy travelling in and out Melbourne.... Exhausted but worth it...
Qantas being Australian leading airliner is just okay2.... Definitely better than other Australian Carrier..... but I'd say GARUDA INDONESIA provides better service than Qantas... ha6 Not promoting anything here.... Just wat I think...
Oh tips if ya flying Qantas Domestic.... Make sure you book your flight during meal time like 12pm or 8 pm or 7 am.... coz you'll be served full course meal.... although food wasn't that great..... still it's better than their refreshment which is biscuit and cheese and apple with drinks..... Agree?
Newai this month will be starting my project and can see that will be super duper busy...
Meanwhile...... I didn't realise I spent too much this month....
It feels good when you don't look back..... but when you do.... Painful woi....
Struth.... Have to start saving again.....
Was fun and glad to see her.... Knowing she is doing alrite and meeting up new people... Such a satisfaction... wew...
Was the busiest month I had... er... Busy travelling in and out Melbourne.... Exhausted but worth it...
Qantas being Australian leading airliner is just okay2.... Definitely better than other Australian Carrier..... but I'd say GARUDA INDONESIA provides better service than Qantas... ha6 Not promoting anything here.... Just wat I think...
Oh tips if ya flying Qantas Domestic.... Make sure you book your flight during meal time like 12pm or 8 pm or 7 am.... coz you'll be served full course meal.... although food wasn't that great..... still it's better than their refreshment which is biscuit and cheese and apple with drinks..... Agree?
Newai this month will be starting my project and can see that will be super duper busy...
Meanwhile...... I didn't realise I spent too much this month....
It feels good when you don't look back..... but when you do.... Painful woi....
Struth.... Have to start saving again.....
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