Friday, 5 December 2014

Literally as it is...

I know I am being sentimental...
Yet the song below by Eason Chan says it all

Tuesday, 22 July 2014


I really wonder...

Why did I decide going back to Uni again????

Could have just kept earning my $$$$$, saved up, bought a house and travelled....

Now I'm like banging my head to the wall every day... Mehhhhh

I can do this....


Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Random Rant....

Had a dream yesterday....

Was flying as a "part-time" cabin crew with SIA on MEL-SIN flight. Apparently it was my second flight and I am based in MEL lol

Well yeap... Have been thinking of going into flying career recently for a change....

Personally I love flying...  As in literally... i.e. to be on a plane... Not so much of excitement upon reaching the destination. Haha Weird  huh?

Cabin crew would be the easiest path to get into I guess....

But I reckon being a captain would be more rewarding?

I'm 27 this year... By the time I finish my degree, I would be 30.... hahaha Too old to be a cabin crew neway....

Been looking at some flying classes as well.... should perhaps work towards my private flying license than commercial license and who knows I might be on my way flying a B777 or perhaps A380 lol

***Dream On***

Friday, 13 June 2014

Work or Study?

Done my commencement panel meeting yesterday....

Start cramming for my 6 month report...

Due in Sept...

Oh Well at least I have something extra on top of keeping up with my reading....

Sometimes I wonder....

Why am I here in the first place?











Sunday, 8 June 2014

What to do???


So Cia Lat..... I dunno what to do already.... The scale seems to weigh towards one side and I can't even balance it up >.<

Dunno how lehhhh....

Should I just let it go?
This is just so complicated =(

我與你 - Soundtrack from the movie Three Peas in a Pod

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Light bites

Back from TPE - Details to Follow =)

Watched this movie directed by Michelle Chong on the plane yesterday.

3 Peas in a Pod - 他她他

Kinda expected the ending within the first 30 minutes... Nevertheless still a very touching one. Highly recommend it.

Lesson learnt - It's better to express your feeling rather than keeping it for yourself and end up living in remorse =(

Oh Well.... I guess I might as well....Never know what the outcome may be.....

If things do not turn out the way I expect it to be, at least I have tried.....

Trust my gut feeling.

Monday, 26 May 2014


Came across 六哲's songs in youtube this afternoon....

Didn't know who he was previously, accidentally stumbled upon him

I think I'm fond of him now....

All his songs are just so emotional..... Fit in perfectly.... Is it just me?

Neway it just kinda connects... The lyrics, The melody....

It's like they are telling all the story on my behalf...

Guess will be sleeping with them tonight....

Sunday, 25 May 2014


Not too sure what's got into me....

Maybe it's just a sign that I am ageing....

Solitude? Loneliness? Sorrow?

It's like a part of me is missing....


Not a first time nor will it be the last....

So can anyone just tell me


Could you please just disclose yourself???

Haiz Pathetic me....

I'll be waiting for you....

Tuesday, 20 May 2014


Talking to one of my friends just now and he left me with the word "FATE"

This keeps me my mind going for a while

It is just so unbelievable, how people meet each other...

I couldn't understand myself...

Why is it when I see someone for the first time, it feels as if I know that person??? As if he/she looks so familiar and I feel that I have met him/her somewhere before even though I haven't.

Why is it when I first meet a stranger, I think that we could go along so well? or even worse I feel like he/she is so annoying? Note that this "stereotyping" is still in the thinking process and most of the time, it turns out to exactly as the mind has predicted...

quoting from a Chinese oldies, 渡情

有緣千年來相會, 無緣對面手難牽

It is just too mesmerizing, how this so called fate works.....

I do think that Fate is only a small part of relationship and input from both parties are required to make it work.
Just like planting a tree.... Seedling is the analogy for fate and to make it grow we need a lot to plant, water and nurture it.

I guess will have to appreciate the relationship with every person that I have known, am knowing and yet to know....  For it does not come about easily and once this so called "Fate" slips through it may take a while before the next encounter...

Continuing on the lyrics...


Friday, 16 May 2014



而現在呢? 怎麼回不到以前那個好日子???


Thursday, 15 May 2014

Complicated or Complications???

Been feeling kinda uneasy since the past few days...


Palpitation, Tremor, Flushes Blushes

Oh Well definitely NOT a heart attack...

Plus still CAN'T CALM my mind down

As if I've just loaded myself with huge doses of 5HT

Warning: Serotonin Syndrome

This MIXED feeling Haizzz....

Oh Well....

Hoping for the best at this stage,,,

Only time will tell, I guess

Tuesday, 13 May 2014


FIVE years since my last post, a lot have happened for sure....
Career wise....
Obtained my Bachelor degree in 2010, past my registration exam the year after, started working real hard and trained an intern up until end of last year.

Time does fly... My trainee back then is now a qualified professional. I Ended up quitting my full time job and ventured back into uni, thinking to get into the academia sector. It's a bit of a trade off though considering the amount of money I would have earned, had I kept my job. But then again, for a better future and for the sake of reaching out to my dreams, I guess a change is good.

So yep... third month into my study now. What to expect? Information overload, twisted brain, busy buzzy, what else? First month even worse trying to adjust from working life to that of student.... Now I guess m getting the rhythm back...

My love life is just as exciting... I wish....
Unfortunately it did not turn out well... Sigh....  Won't go into the details but it's just hard to find the right person amidst the vast ocean.... Up and down like a yo-yo... So depressing man...  Having said that though, a few of my schoolmates are actually married and even had children... So yep kind of unpredictable I guess....
A few days back however, somebody keeps on popping on my mind. out of no where.... So Random!!!! Ok Fine I did read one of my friends' blog and went into the links on the page. What surprises me is that I dun even know that person, but somehow this thought keeps on resurfacing and bothering me... Even at this very moment..... So cia lat man.... Really weird.... My mind is jumping around like monkey now... hou geng hor that someone =.=!! sigh..

What else....
Oh.. recently I know another someone, who claimed to be or is said to be so like me... I was like mehhh.... Really r got Replica of me now... haha But I guess we do have so many things in common, personality wise... and I find it quite surprising myself to be able to click so well with him, who was then a Mr Stranger. Not to mention the "special" approach we took to forge this friendship and get along... (If you are reading this,,, No Offence lol). But I am glad to have known him. Seriously....  Appreciate it....

Also did a fair bit of travelling around Asia since I started working full time... Been doing it solo all along... so boring hor? Maybe it's just my antisocial side... hahah Another one coming up end of this month.... Destination Taiwan... Again!!! Fallen in love with that place =)

Oh Well... That's all for now I guess,,, Shall post again when there are more exciting stuffs available.

Hello Again...

For some reason I feel the urge to pen down my thoughts after abandoning this space for nearly half a decade.... Oh Well.....
Guess it doesn't hurt to start writing again....