Monday, 22 December 2008
Vgx cn h eddk rn rzc vgdm h khrsdm sn sghr rnmf.....
Rtbg eddkhmf....
H vnmcds vgx h gzud rtbg cddo rbzq nm lx gdzqs....
Qdldlaqhmf zkk vd vdms sgqntfg kzrs shld....
Qian Shan Wan Shui 千山萬水 - Jay Chou 周杰倫
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Friday, 19 December 2008
I never was AND will NEVER be!!!!
I don't want to....
It seems that I do not have a choice, do I????
I might regret it....
No... I am regretting it.....
Yes... I have to say that I AM!!!!
Why should I stay still .....
When the sun has set and risen again???
When people just can't be bothered???
It's just a matter of time.....
Soon or later
It will definitely occur!!!!
So what is there to moan???
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Just for next week.....
So that I can get away and see her again????
Miso Honey
Couldn't believe haven't updated it since the 1st post of this month....
Was away during that time... (Which was really really good!!!!)
Came back last week....
Plus some other stuffs to do and the laziness inside me....
So yea can't be helped...
Lately feeling like Miso Honey.....
Not to mention that freaking dream....
Thinking of it alone is enough to disgust me
You wouldn't want to know.....
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Guess What.....
A doctor prescribed Movicol half for a kid which DOES NOT have any constipation but experience pain when he wees....
I think even the shop girl would question what Movicol have to do with painful urination?
So after talking with the kid's mom.... I let Janice know and she called the doctor...
Guess how did the doctor respond?????
She was extremely RUDE and Told her that we pharmacists are questioning her diagnosis.... and hung up immediately.....
So Janice told what happened to the mother..... and let her know that Movicol is used for constipation relief and if the child is not constipated at all it wouldn't do anything....
Afterwards the mom actually left the store and SURPRISINGLY......
That doctor called back.....
She complained for THREE minutes non-stop.... How amazing was that? She didn't even gasp for breath......
We were there turning on the speaker and let her babbled for the AMAZING THREE minutes....
Guess what she said....
You pharmacists do not respect me!!!!
You questioned my diagnosis!!!!!
If it were a wrong dose, Fine let me know that's your area and I respect that!!!!
But what do you know about the patient history?
You don't respect me!!!!
If I gave out a prescription you are supposed to give out the medications!!!!
I am a professional and I know what I am doing!!!!!
You might have all those knowledge about pharmacology and I acknowledge that!!!!
But what do you know about Diagnosis?
What do you know about Medicine?
You don't respect me!!!!
That's roughly what she said and the best part was.... she said Thank you and hung up afterwards....
Janice and I were laughing..... when she complained......
Couldn't believe she had so much free time.... ha6
I mean like what's the point of calling back and yell at us????
Newai what I to let that doctor know (and those of you doing MBBS, if you read my blog...)
We are PHARMACISTS and we are PROFESSIONALS as well....
Yes we don't do much of diagnosis.... BUT we are NOT dumb...
We know about our stuffs and therefore the indications....
And therefore it is our role and obligation to find out your reasoning if we think that the medicine is not used appropriate....
By the end of the day it is the patient's outcomes that matters!!!!!
We NOT only do Pharmacology we also do clinical applications of medicines and Quality Use of Medicines (QUM), which I believe you know very little about, amongst others....
We are Pharmacist NOT Pharmacologist!!!!! See the difference?
Dose? You think we are Calculators or something?
We don't spend our FIVE years calculating doses or dispensing medications....
Even the SHOP GIRLS can do that within weeks if training is provided!!!!
You are a proffesional.... True!!! But you don't act like one.... do you?
Ask yourself is that how a professional behave?
We DON'T know about medicine...
Excuse me.... But correct me if I am wrong....
We are the MEDICINE EXPERT!!!!!
How could you ask us what we know about MEDICINE????
What do you know about MEDICINE?????
Do you know what Movicol is? It's PEG miss doctor....
Do you have any idea what will happen if a normally functioning bowel is given such large amount of water retention agent? Not to mention that the boy is only FOUR years old.....
Please Miss Doctor (and all the future doctors if you read this)....
We are health professionals and we should work together....
We are not inferior to you and neither are you.....
As I mentioned previously.... It's for the Patient's Sake!!!!!
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Screwing assignments and mini tests is terrible....
Doing both at the same time is a calamity....
Can't wait!!!!!
Reading Manga is somehow faster and more exciting than watching anime
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Was busy doing some reading, when I heard a couple of sounds..... just like when you give a shake of aerosol can.... Thought it was some kids playing or what...
So I continued with my reading and ignored the sound.....
Kept on Reading..... Heard the shaking can again and again.....
Still I didn't bother..... only after I finished my reading...... did I realise that on the seat opposite my row, sat a woman in her 20s-30s I supposed..... Holding can of aerosol paint and plastic bag.....
What she did was, she gave the can a good shake then sprayed it into the plastic bag and inhaled it.... Paint was everywhere around her lips and face.....
The look on her face was just so sorrowful.....
Such massive misery and hardship she must have gone through.....
At that time, I just felt so sorry for her.....
Why did she have to do that? Harming herself.... Making herself a slave of inhalants.....
Couldn't she think for herself for a second? Her parents? Her families? Her Friends? Her Acquaintances?
Sigh.... I feel like ripping that thing off her hands and lead her to freeing herself from such addiction.....
Why do I have to feel sad when I look at these people?
Alcohol to kill pain and escape from reality....
Drugs abuse for the same reasons.....
BUT the reality is these substances do NOT get them away from the reality..... They just have to face it.... There is no shortcut at all.....
Hope that one day these people can free themselves from such addiction.....
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Food for Thoughts
Baca baik-baik dengan seksama dan pikirkan sejenak!
1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
Aku mencintaimu bukan karena siapa dirimu, tapi siapa diriku ketika bersamamu
2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
Tidak ada seorangpun yang layak untuk ditangisi, jika ada, seharusnya dia tidak membuatmu menangis
3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
Hanya karena seseorang tidak mencintaimu dengan cara sebagaimana kamu kehendaki, tidak berarti dia tidak mencintaimu sepenuh hatinya
4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
Teman yang sejati adalah seorang yang menggapai tanganmu dan menyentuh hatimu
5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
Cara paling ngga enak kehilangan seseorang adalah dengan duduk disebelahnya dan tau bahwa kau ngga mungkin memilikinya
6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
Jangan pernah murung, bahkan ketika kau sedih sekalipun, karena kau ngga pernah tau sudah berapa banyak orang yang jatuh cinta pada senyummu
7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
Untuk dunia mungkin kau hanya satu orang, tapi untuk satu orang kau mungkin adalah seluruh dunia baginya
8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
Jangan buang-buang waktu dengan cowo/cewe yang ngga mau buang2 waktunya denganmu
9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
Mungkin kehendak Tuhan adalah kita bertemu dengan beberapa orang yang ngga cocok sebelum bertemu dengan yang cocok, sebab jika akhirnya ketemu yang cocok, kita tau bagaimana bersyukur yang sesungguhnya
10.. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
Jangan menangisi yang sudah berlalu, tersenyumlah karena hal itu bisa terjadi.
11. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.
Jadikanlah dirimu orang yang lebih baik dan kenalilah dirimu sendiri, sebelum kau mencoba mengenali orang lain dan mengharapkan mereka mengenali dirimu
12. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
Jangan terlalu ngotot, sesuatu yang baik biasanya datang ketika kau tidak mengharapkannya
From Hermanto
Thx heaps Mate!!!
Saturday, 22 November 2008
How does it feel?
Somewhat posh and elegant, doesn't it?
Or is it just me?
Keeping my hopes alive...
Friday, 21 November 2008
Looked at this one

Then came across this poem (if that's what you call it... otherwise they are mere sentences)
It says:
Friends come and Friends go
The Seasons change
The Seasons will show
They will age
And so will Us
But our Friendship stays
Strong and
Dunno who made this poem here.... but it is called "The Moment"....
Ha6.... Can't believe it has been THREE AND A HALF YEARS since highschool....
Wonder how everyone is doing....
A chapter of our lives has ended.... Everyone has to keep on moving forward.... Yet everything we've gone through is surely memorable.....
Whether Good, Fun, Joyous, Not so Good, Sorrowful, Rowdy or even quarrelsome.....
They are mere memoirs.....
Similarly what's on the current chapter is also the same.....
You can't expect everyone to be with you forever....
The power of impermanence sure is freaky....
The moments shared together are only remnants....
Mere remnants and nothing else....
Good to recall but not to be craved for....
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Sunday, 16 November 2008
He is Back.....
The man I talked about last Friday....
So ciaklat....
Today he's got script for 1 mg Xanax..... after FIFTY tablets of 2 mg Xanax TWO DAYS AGO....
Haizzz..... Why so desperate???
What a pity.....
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Another =)
Food pretty good and affordable as well....
I'll give an overall rating of 4/5
Also nice place for fresh and cheap Sashimi....
Also in Prahran
Guess I fell for it....
钱包受伤了.... ><
Newai Can't believe that
It's weekend again......
Time's flying so so fast......
Can't wait!!! Can't wait!!!!
3 more weeks.....
All good except for....
A person came in around 7 pm.... definitely a drug addict!!!! So obvious..... even one of the customer told me that he is a bit off his mind when I gave out her medications....><
Newai he kept on asking me for Xanax..... the way he said it like "Ai si bei si" so "loyo"....
Have you got Xanax 2mg? the 50 one?
Is it long shape?
It's not round is it?
Can I take a look if they are the same with the one I usually had? - NEVER!!!! As if I am going to let you see and smuggle it away......
What about Kalma? The 2 mg 50 tablets.....
Have you got a script?-"Mr Pharmacist"
It sure is annoying...... he kept on babbling and babbling for about 20 minutes I guess.....
Until a girl, an acquaintance of him I guess, came and talked to him.... he dropped in his script...
sigh.... Pity him.... For a mere Xanax..... his life seems to be in a mess..... Is Xanax more important than his life? or is Xanax actually his life?
Can't imagine what kind of hardship he went through......
Hope he would realise how worthy his life is....
And turn away from drug addiction....
Friday, 14 November 2008
Are they really holidays????
Been really busy here and there since the first day.....
Oh Well.... At least it kept me occupied....
Rather than doing nothing at home....
Oh!!!! And Cause and Condition sure is unpredictable......
Who would have guessed?
Perhaps everything happens for a reason.....
And it is an aid to develop our very own selves.....
Hello and Goodbye..... Circle of Life.....
Can't wait till 5thDec....
See You very SOON!!!!!!
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Confusing? Probably....
Recently, I find myself craving for stuffs too easily.....
Well stuff is not an appropriate word.....
Aber weiß ich nicht was eigentlich das richtige Wort ist....
Mädchen vielleicht?
Finde ich aber jede attraktiv ist und wann ich sie besser kenne......
Ich denke mich daß sie paßt mich nicht.....
What can I do? haha
In short it's like "panas-panas taik ayam"
Tapi ya apa boleh buat namanya juga belum ada yang cocok.....
Monday, 10 November 2008
This holidays are going to suck all my money....
I am Only on the first THREE days..... (out of 3.5 Months)
I have spent like AUD350 .... ><
Not to mention the other stuffs on my list.....
Perhaps it's not a very good idea to stay in Melbourne during Holidays......
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Humans are just mere actors playing their roles to make the show successful
Actors play different roles each time
It is impossible for them to keep playing the same characters because once the show ends, a new show with different story line will begin
The actors have to leave everything they have done behind and start all over again
Those playing protagonists might now play Antagonists and vice versa
There seems to be no hard feeling within themselves wanting to retain what they've got in the previous play
Once the show has ended.... That's it...
A new chapter will begin and all the actors will just have to move on....
Another Homework to be done....
Friday, 7 November 2008
Ben Chan's Song from a Secret Garden
His playing is just so awesome that I think many people would be speechless and watch in awe... (Well at least I do)... ha6
His Vibrato is so intense that the notes produced with every stroke seem to stab directly in the heart.....
Also the feelings and emotions he incorporate into his playing further augment the vibrato effects.....
Such Feeling.....
Newai.... here's one of his newest youtube video...
Playing Song from a Secret Garden....
He kinda played the accompaniment which he figured out himself by ear after listening to the normal version (try the one I snapped from Imeem and compare it with his playing)....
It's so gorgeous..... the pitch mixes really well.... what a talent he's got there.... (starting from 1'35)
It's simply beautiful, isn't it?
I think my tummy has really gone kaputt....
Couldn't believe I actually took 10 Nexium 20mg and 7 Zantac 150mg in the last two weeks...
Have to reset my tummy all over now.....
Hopefully it is still reversible....
At last!!!!
This semester was unexpectedly shocking.......
Wonder how I went with all those 5 papers....
Definitely not as good as those in the previous semesters....
Still it should be alright..... I suppose....
Will just wait and see how bad I can be at Exams..... (=.=)
*A Lesson to Remember* It is not going to happen again!!!!!
Now that Exam period is over.....
It's time to UNWIND....
Something really FUN is coming soon.....
Hope it turns out well...
Wish Me Luck ^o^
Thursday, 6 November 2008
MEDCHEM is so so so so GAYYYYYYYYYYYY................
COME WHAT MAY.........
"secretly" wishing myself and everyone else good luck
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
zhen qing zuo shui
ca. 1995 or somewhere around there anyway....
Was still in primary school and it was a soundtrack of a drama series.... Can't remember what the drama was... but kinda good one.... ha6 if you trust a 9-10 years old boy's words back then... ha6
Newai.... this super2 nice song (agree?) pretty hard to find I suppose.... Really love it....
Not the lyrics nor the singer....
But the music arrangement...... the grand piano, organ, violins and cellos .....
All mix so well.... Even the drums give a final serenading touch...
Have a feel..... The piano playing the main melody, strings playing the accompaniment....
What an art.... It gives a sustained feeling of happiness and subtle sadness.....
So beautiful.....
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Been seeing this stuff on and off....
for lets say.... 4-5 times?
Different Setting but pretty much similar context....
*Dream Dream Dream...... Dream.........*
I wonder.......
Last nite's was kinda exciting though.... in a way...
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Random only lar....
Numbers keep increasing eh....
How far can I go?
Sigh.... a mixture of sorrow and jealousy.... iiissshhh
Should I keep going or Should I pull over....
But then something tells me to keep striving.....
Yet looking at how things go.....
It's just so depressing.....
Especially just now dinner.....
at New Kun Dan or something like that in Chinatown....
Music so depressing somemore....
Like a special effect.... ha6
Just like those Korean drama theme, when a couple are dining in and will start a row anytime... ><
Wonder if you get what I mean... hahaha
It seriously depressed me even further......
A big NO to that restaurant.... lmao
This kind of feeling ar....
SO SO SO NOT NICE..... haha
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Freaky..... Scary.....
And Guess what?
I lost another TWO kilograms.....
That's third time this year..........
Getting Freakier.....
Should perhaps go for pathological test........
Which serological test would it be?
Struggling for Micro at the moment...... Microbes are just fastinating, aren't they? Glad I've got THREE days to spend..... Fastidious study... ><
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
In Chinese...
In Sanskrit...
Namo Bhagavate Bhaisajyaguru Vaidurya Prabha Rajaya Tathagataya Arhate
Samyaksambuddhaya. Tadyatha Om Bhaisajye Bhaisajye Bhaisajya Sammudgate
Twelve Great Vows of Bhaisajyaguru Vaidurya Prabha Rajaya Tathagata
The first vow. ‘I vow that, after my reincarnation and having attained complete Enlightenment, my body should be shining like a brilliant light, throwing beams on infinite, and boundless, worlds, adorned with a retinue of thirty-two forms of the Great Men and with eighty physical characteristics of the Buddha, I shall make all beings wholly equal to me.’
The second vow. ‘I vow that, after my reincarnation and having attained Perfect Enlightenment, my body should be like a crystal in spotless purity both within and without, with splendorous radiant light, in the majesty of its virtue, sitting serenely, adorned with the aureole, brighter than the sun and the moon, I shall reveal my great power to all the beings in obscurity, in order that they may act freely according to their bent.’
The third vow. ‘I vow that, after my reincarnation and having attained Perfect Enlightenment, I should grant by means of boundless wisdom, to all beings the inexhaustible things that they may need and that they may be free from any want.’
The fourth vow. ‘I vow that, after my reincarnation and having attained Perfect enlightenment, I should bring those who have gone the heterodox ways to dwell tranquilly in the way of Bodhi; and those who travel on the Vehicle of the Sramana and the Pratyekabuddha to stand firmly in the Great Vehicle of Bodhisattva.’
The fifth vow. ‘I vow that, after my reincarnation and having attained Perfect Enlightenment, I should enable the innumerable beings to observe all the moral laws to mend their ways to pure living, and to obey the three cumulative commandments. Should there be any relapse, or violation, they shall again become pure once they hear of my name, then they shall not fall into evil existences.’
The sixth vow. 'I vow that, after my reincarnation and having attained Perfect Enlightenment, those beings who are physically inferior, with imperfect senses, such as, the ugly, stupid, blind, deaf, mute, crippled, paralysed, hump-backed, leprous, lunatic, or sick in many respects, shall all of them, when they hear my name, regain their normal appearances and become intelligent. All their senses shall be perfectly restored, and they shall not suffer from diseases.'
The seventh vow. 'I vow that, after my reincarnation and having attained Perfect Enlightenment, those who are tormented by diseases, who have nobody to whom they can seek for help, without a refuge, without a doctor, without medicine, without relatives, without a home; these poor and miserable beings shall all of them be free from diseases and troubles, and shall enjoy perfect health of body and mind, once my name reaches their ears. They shall have families, friends and properties a-plenty, and shall all be brought to the supreme Enlightenment of Buddha.'
The eighth vow. 'I vow that, after my reincarnation and having attained Perfect Enlightenment, women who are tormented by the hundred of sufferings of the female sex, who are much wearied of life and long to make bodily sacrifice, shall all of them, when they hear my name, be transformed into men instead of women, in the next re-birth, they shall get the form of manhood and shall in the end attain the supreme Enlightenment of Buddha.'
The ninth vow. 'I vow that, after my reincarnation and having attained Perfect Enlightenment, I should let all being to escape the evil nets of Mara, to be free from other non-Buddhist cults. If they should have fallen into the dense forest of false doctrines, I should assist and lead them to the noble truths, and gradually induce them to lead the life of a Bodhisattva and soon they shall attain supreme Enlightenment of Buddha.'
The tenth vow. 'I vow that, after my reincarnation and having attained Perfect Enlightenment, I should bring it to pass that all those who are recorded and condemned by the royal law to be bound and whipped, to be enchained in prisons, to be sentenced to capital punishment, to meet numerous other disasters and insult, to be afflicted with sorrow and anguish, to be troubled both in body and in mind, shall, when they hear of my name, escape evil kalpas through the awe-inspiring majesty of my blessedness and virtue.'
The eleventh vow. 'I vow that, after my reincarnation and having attained Perfect Enlightenment, I should bring it to pass that all beings who are tormented by hunger and thirst and who, in order to obtain drink and food, if they can carefully remember my name and cherish it, then I should let them taste the flavour of the Dharma, and eventually lead a tranquil and happy life.'
The twelfth vow. 'I vow that, after my reincarnation and having attained Perfect Enlightenment, all beings who are poor and naked, tormented day and night by mosquitoes and wasps, by cold and heat, when they hear my name and carefully remember and cherish it, shall receive the wonderful garments of all kinds, as well as valuable ornaments, chaplets of fragrant flower; and various kinds of instrumental music shall resound. Whatever they dream of, they shall have in abundance.
Excerpt from Bhaisajyaguru Sutra
So thought of putting up a couple of posts regarding Bhaisajyaguru Buddha..... Since not many people know about Bhaisajyaguru Buddha. Might just do a really short description....
Bhaisajyaguru Vaidurya Prabha Rajaya Tathagata or translated to English as Master of Healing, Lapis Lazuli radiance Tathagata or in Chinese 藥師琉璃光如來, is the Buddha of the Eastern Pureland. Bhaisajyaguru Buddha is part of the Trinity (Bhaisajyaguru Buddha on the left, Amitabha Buddha on the right and Sakyamuni Buddha at the centre) in many Chinese monastery/temple.
Bhaisajyaguru Buddha is often portrayed holding a pagoda.

In the eastern pureland (lapis Lazuli pure land), Bhaisajyaguru Buddha has two main Bodhisattvas as disciples, Moon Radiance Bodhisattva (月光遍照菩薩) and Sun Radiance Bodhisattva (日光遍照菩薩)....
Bhaisajyaguru Buddha and Both Boddhisattvas are often referred as the Eastern Pure land Trinity.
Bhaisajyaguru Buddha made 12 vows before attaining Buddhahood....
Will post those on the next one.
Monday, 27 October 2008
Sunday, 26 October 2008
這一段時間我跟你交朋友, 你給了我那麼多快樂... 你把我生命造得很精采...
你讓我付出我的能力, 找出我生命當中的目的, 也讓我感覺到生命的意義.
無論你把我當成誰, 我一直把你看待像我好朋友, 像我自己親兄弟一樣...
我不懂珍惜自己的福報... 讓你受那麼大的壓力, 一直批評你, 使你經過那麼多煩惱....
起了傲慢心, 非不肯做朋友該做的...
這是我對不起你... 更對不起我自己....
我不但做不到我該做的部分, 我還免強你達到我所要求的....
對我來說, 這是依場考驗....
在這次所發生的事情當中.... 我也學到不少...
我發現我的缺點, 也更明白我生活的目的....
這一次離別以後, 我也不動我門什麼時後還有機會來相逢....
前世所修來的緣分, 今世已結束....
不但為自己而想, 也能考慮其到他人....
做事情要有信心, 不要氣餒....
I don't remember telling anyone....
Weird eh? Hmmph......
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Past, Present, Future.....
Yang pertama: Hari kemarin. (PAST)
Anda tak bisa mengubah apa pun yang telah terjadi.
Anda tak bisa menarik perkataan yang telah terucapkan.
Anda tak mungkin lagi menghapus kesalahan;
dan mengulangi kegembiraan yang anda rasakan kemarin.
Biarkan hari kemarin lewat; lepaskan saja...
Yang kedua: Hari esok. (FUTURE)
Hingga mentari esok hari terbit,
Anda tak tahu apa yang akan terjadi.
Anda tak bisa melakukan apa-apa esok hari.
Anda tak mungkin sedih atau ceria di esok hari.
Esok hari belum tiba; biarkan saja...
Yang tersisa kini hanyalah : Hari ini. (PRESENT)
Pintu masa lalu telah tertutup;
Pintu masa depan pun belum tiba.
Pusatkan saja diri anda untuk hari ini.
Anda dapat mengerjakan lebih banyak hal hari ini
bila anda mampu memaafkan hari kemarin dan melepaskan
ketakutan akan esok hari.
Hiduplah hari ini. Karena, masa lalu dan masa depan
hanyalah permainan pikiran yang rumit.
Hiduplah apa adanya.
Karena yang ada hanyalah hari ini; hari ini yang abadi.
Perlakukan setiap orang dengan kebaikan hati dan
rasa hormat, meski mereka berlaku buruk pada anda.
Cintailah seseorang sepenuh hati hari ini,
karena mungkin besok cerita sudah berganti.
Ingatlah bahwa anda menunjukkan penghargaan pada
orang lain bukan karena siapa mereka, tetapi karena
siapakah diri anda sendiri.
Jadi teman,
jangan biarkan masa lalu mengekangmu atau
masa depan membuatmu bingung, lakukan yang terbaik.
HARI INI dan lakukan SEKARANG juga!!!!!!
The day will come when you will review your life
and be thankful for every minute of it.
Every hurt,every sorrow, every joy, every
celebration, every moment of your life will be a treasure.
This is why today is called a PRESENT
Friday, 24 October 2008
Hoping and waiting......
Once upon a time there was an island where all the
feelings lived; happiness, sadness, knowledge, and all the others, including
One day it was announced to all of the feelings that the island
was going to sink to the bottom of the ocean. So all the feelings prepared their
boats to leave.
Love was the only one that stayed. She wanted to
preserve the island paradise until the last possible moment.
When the
island was almost totally under, Love decided it was time to leave. She began
looking for someone to ask for help.
Just then Richness was passing by
in a grand boat. Love asked, “Richness, Can I come with you on your boat?”
Richness answered, ” I’m sorry, but there is a lot of silver and gold on
my boat and there would be no room for you anywhere.”
Then Love decided
to ask Vanity for help who was passing in a beautiful vessel.
Love cried
out, “Vanity, help me please.”
“I can’t help you”, Vanity said, “You are
all wet and will damage my beautiful boat.”
Next, Love saw Sadness passing
Love said, “Sadness, please let me go with you.”
answered, “Love, I’m sorry, but, I just need to be alone now.”
Then, Love
saw Happiness.
Love cried out, ” Happiness, please take me with you.”
But Happiness was so overjoyed that he didn’t hear Love calling to him. Love
began to cry.
Then, she heard a voice say, “Come Love, I will take you
with me.” It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that she forgot to
ask the elder his name.
When they arrived on land the elder went on his
way. Love realized how much she owed the elder.
Love then found
Knowledge and asked, “Who was it that helped me?”
“It was Time”,
Knowledge answered.
“But why did Time help me when no one else would?”,
Love asked.
Knowledge smiled and with deep wisdom and sincerity,
“Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love
Love.... Love.... Love.... Not easy man.... but somehow hehe....
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Why during this time????
Why did it turn out this way????
MOST importantly why does it come to my mind during this time?????
Perhaps it can't be helped.....
Things should not be that way if both parties have their commitments.
Which means something not right was going on.....
But then again.....
All the efforts and moments.......
What a waste....
I am still myself afterall.....
The part of me that I myself can't change...... Nor can anyone else......
Which is the reason that I always 自己吃虧.....
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Compliment or Complement?
On and Off.... eventually I said "Is that supposed to be a complement?"
and she said "You can take it as a compliment."
I still asked her whether compliment was a typo....
STRUTH!!!! I am mixing things up now.....
NOT YET!!!!!
WAKE UP!!!!!!!
You are NOT screwed!!!!!!!!
You can do it!!!!!
Remember your GOALS!!!!! your DREAMS!!!!! your PURPOSES!!!!!!
Confidence Interval 99.99%!!!!!!!!
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Saturday, 18 October 2008
What a Day....
Was such a hectic and busy day...............
BUT rewarding and enjoyable at the same time........
So as usual, Saturday temple.... organised another exam blessing ceremony.....
Huge number of participants...... It was a success, I reckon.....
Thx a lot everyone!!!!
Also a mini-performance afterwards......
Playing sorta mini band? if dats how you name it.....
Newai, We've got our Vocalist, Gina
Darling ><, playing the Keyboard (he usually plays the violin but since noone's playing keyboard today we do a bit of swap)
and myself playing the violin.....
SQ can't make it today so there are only 3 of us.....
was good, I think.... everyone seemed to enjoy it.....
Given that it was a bit rush.... ha6...
Didn't prepare much just a bit of rehearsal yesterday and twice whole group practice before performance today.... wew
Glad it turned out all right =)
Seriously..... I didn't even notice it that time....
Mad? I was never and you should have figured that out.....
To me the word Anger almost never exists.....
I only and shall only live in disappointment and sorrow.....
You should have known that never will I take it on someone.....
Yet somehow I feel that this is what I need to do.....
Hoping, that one day you could think for others.....
that one day you would realise what I meant......
that one day you would think before you act.....
that one day you would have the courage to resolve a problem.....
I truly wish and believe you can do it.....
Please don't let me down again.....
This tree of agony will keep on growing within myself......
Until the day it stops....
When that day comes, I wish to see the flower of happiness and harmony blooms.....
One thing I want you to know....
You might not realise it, but I am still there for you......
I will be waiting.....
Until that day reveals itself....
Friday, 17 October 2008
Found myself something good to do....
Just won a PROJECT!!!!!
"Effectiveness of Topical Therapy in the Long Treatment of Open Angle Glaucoma"
Hope it's fun and rewarding.....
Thx to Boon in the first place =)
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Another Joke....
TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America ..
MARIA: Here it is.
TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ?
CLASS: Maria.
TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables.
TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?'
TEACHER: No, that's wrong
GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.
________________________________ ____________
TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
TEACHER: What are you talking about?
DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O.
TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.
TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty?
GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.
TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with 'I.'
MILLIE: I is..
TEACHER: No, Millie..... Always say, 'I am.'
MILLIE: All right..... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.'
______________ ___________________
TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him?
LOUIS: Because George still had the axe in his hand.
TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
SIMON: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.
TEACHER: Clyde , your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his?
CLYDE : No, sir. It's the same dog.
TEACHER: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
HAROLD: A teacher
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
J Walk?
Ming sent me the link to this article from The Age.... And I find it pretty interesting as most people, well including I myself, often, if not always, cross the road even though it's still red.... Well as far as I am concerned, when there is no car coming you'll be fine... ><
Haha Newai have a look at the article.....
Police promise jaywalk blitz
Hamish Townsend
October 13, 2008 - 1:37PM
Jaywalkers could be in for a very expensive
week, with Victoria Police announcing a blitz on the dangerous practice.
From tomorrow, police will issue warnings - and $57 on-the-spot fines -
to people who ignore the red man or cross roads outside marked lines.
"Pedestrians are some of our most vulnerable road users," Acting
Superintendent Paul Pottage said.
"Too often we see people distracted by
mobile phones and MP3 players walking in front of cars and trams, and it's this
sort of behaviour that leads to serious injuries or in the worst-case scenario,
"People may think they're invincible and it wont happen to them,
but it only takes a split second for an incident to occur," he said.
the past 12 months, there have been 223 accidents involving pedestrians in
Melbourne's CBD One was fatal. Seven out of 10 resulted in injury.
Pedestrians make up almost a third all serious accidents in the city.
According to police data, the pedestrian was at fault in 56% of cases.
Just over half of the victims were male.
Morning and afternoon peaks are
the most dangerous times.
haha.... AUD 57 fine on the spot!!!! How interesting is that... Anyone up to the challenge?
Feels like Medan.... haha When ya driving and is on the junction, take a good look around you... no police? no car? It means go ahead.... you can ignore the traffic signal.... lol
Monday, 13 October 2008
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Friday, 10 October 2008
Should have guessed it would turn out this way....
A definite answer....
Wish that didn't come true.....
Again I have done another mistake.....
Shouldn't have put too much expectation....
End up he failed and ruined everything.......
Still Immature....
Yet I shall do nothing now....
Let time play its par.....
Sometime in the future when the condition is right......
Things may change.....
Let It Be....
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Birthday Session 6 - Finale
Last Birthday session.... haha....
Another Dinner with KC, Chik Seng, Gina, Frank, Jacqueline, Darling ><, Jenson, Jonsen and Chan ting at Toto Pizza......
Fabulous night.... heaps of laughter..... can't remember my last time being so HIGH.... lol
Enjoyed it a lot.... Thx heaps peeps!!!!
Oh, Gina and Frank actually wrote me a card and gave me a compilation of Heart Sutra (般若波羅密多心經), Great Compassion Dharani (大悲咒), and Ten Little Dharani (十小咒)... All in one little sutra..... Thx a lot... would come in handy =)
So yea dats the end of my Holidays and Birthday entries.....
After all those time....
I am seriouly in DEEP SHIT now......
Exam in FIFTEEN DAYS!!!!! And I doubt I am fully prepared....
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Birthday Session 5
Pot Luck at Ming's.....
Theme Asian Cooking....
Pretty good..... Had heaps of food.... Telur Dadar, Glass Noodle, Curry, Chinese Cabbage Soup, Sushi and Black Glutinous Rice.... and everyone's cooking skills not bad eh.... can be professional cook... haha except for PJ... cause he bought the sushi instead of making it >< but yea the uncle's sushi is good though haha Been a while since the last time we get together.... and it has always been fun!!!! Can't wait for the next session.... it's western I suppose? haha Newai... right after the dinner.... another surprise........ (Now and then I wonder if I am that gullible.......) cake was awesome.... it was unique and assembled....... a true Masterpiece... haha Newai it's supposed to look like turtle..... 5 "mara...." (as the head and feet) or whatever it's called.... it's like crunchy ball filled with caramel and nuts in the centre... sweet sweet sweet...... then blackforest topped up with chocolate mousse on the top.....
Sure it's cool!!!! Agree??? YES!!!! thx heaps Peeps!!! Was a fabulous night.... =p
Oh!!! Sparkler in the apartment is definitely NOT a good idea at all, even though Balcony door is open and cooking hood is turned on..... hahaa unless smoke detector is turned off XD
Birthday Session 4
During the Dharma Function, we were chanting 父母恩重難報經(Sutra of the Deep Kindness of Parents).... As usual every first week of the month....
Thereafter, a Birthday celebration for all October Babies..... Which we never had before.....
There were only three of us, whose Birthdays fall in October i.e Me, Norwind and Colin....
Oh and Shi Fu actually gave each of us a mini 楞嚴經 (Shurangama Sutra)
Celebrating with Shi Fu and other Dharma Brothers and Sisters.... Feeling a bit awkward and embarassed (kinda???) haha
Newai my gratitude to Shi Fu and everyone.....
By the way.... Jue Guan Shi Fu has actually come back from Taiwan and now she's in Nan Tian Temple in Wollongong.... Hope to see her again in December..... And our current Shi Fu is Miao Neng Shi Fu.... and Yong Wei Shi Fu is now in Yarraville... (if someone wonders how everything's going so far... =p)
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Es passiert noch wieder....
Er kommte zu mir während mein Geburtstag, also denke ich dass ich zu seinem gehen muss.
Aber dort.... fühle ich ganz langweilig.... traurig.... und einsam.....
Änliche wie läzte Woche......
Das verstehe ich nicht.....
Niemand spricht zu mir..... vergess sprechen.... ich weiss auch nicht wenn sie mich noch kennen......
Freunde...... Wie heißt Freunde?
können wir noch alles wie alte zeit machen? Daran zweifel ich... Wirklich....
Birthday Session 3
Another Bday surprise dinner.....
Melanie and Yu Qi.....
Haven't been in touched for ages..... the last time was last year if my memory served me right.... during November just after we finished our exam..... I was impressed and surprised though.... that they actually remembered my Bday... wew.... So we actually went to a place called Era or sth sounds similar to that..... It's in Melbourne Central, close to Max Brenner.... Food Not bad... a bit pricy though....
Thanks a lot for the shout... =)
Melanie.... haha.... ex-chem/bio prac partner, ex-building mate, physiotherapist in training....
She was like a little girl 2.5 years ago.... kinda mature now.... a bit? lol
was supposed to play violin together during the holidays.... but seems that noone could make it... lol
Another time, perhaps?
Holidays Part 3
Part 3 of my holiday..... Not a good one I have to say....
It was a farewell dinner for Li Ping.... She's now off to the States, San Fransisco....
Li Ping..... met her last years..... BUT only the beginning of this year that we started talking and getting to know each other...... Not even a year and *boom* there it goes...... gone....
Short but memorable.... She's like a mentor (dats the most appropriate word?) to me.... know her for only a while and frankly I don't even knoe how we started to get along dat well.... I mean we've met each other for like 1. 5 years? BUT we never talked to one another until the beginning of this year.... Isn't that just weird?
Cause, Condition, Effect....... sometimes they are just unpredictable....
What a year.... Never had I so many parting before.....
First, Jue Guan Shi Fu
Second, Hao Sheng
Third, Lay Leng
Then, Ya Ling
Now, Li Ping
Who's next?
It's tough.....
有緣千里來相會, 無緣對面手難牽
Perhaps it's true.....
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Birthday Session 2
Woke up and rushed to Uni to submit the pharmacy abroad application and borrow some book hoping to do a bit of study.... Sad enough the books still stand untouched on my shelf..... as usual... he6
Met Galahad... been chatting a bit with him.... just back from his rural placement... doesn't seem that he enjoyed it that much...... seems to me the lecturers are all fraud..... saying everything so superb about rural pharmacy.... haha
Newai.... then I went back home.... straight to the bed AGAIN for a while.... yea only a while 15 minutes? haha... then forcing myself to do DIURETICS (btw, dats the worst I encountered so far given that my basic for Kidney isn't that good...)
BUT by the time I put my arse on the chair...... Adi came back home with Rebecca and Franky..... with cake and sparklers on top of it.... Again I was *speechless*
Cake and the fire sparklers look amazing.... unfortunately it was not a good idea to do it inside the apartment.... the smoke detector went off..... hahaa... and hurrily we brought the cake outside to the balcony.... ha6
What a joke......
But yea it was superb..... Thanks a lot Peeps.... My gratitude....
Following that off to Shark Fin's for lunch......
(when can I start studying???)
Oh yes.... Presents.... Did receive a couple of presents....
Tees from Jin Sern.... Looks really cool!!!
It says...
"I'm SOtally TObre"
Thx heaps Mate....
Also Fossil wallet from Xin Yu, Sze Wey and Robin....
thx guys.... just wat I like simple design =>
And quite surprisingly.... Jag Wallet from Rebecca, Adi, Franky and Agus....
Hmm they really know my taste eh? haha Thx heaps!!!!
I was surprised because.....
I've got two new wallets... but no new bucks...... haha
A couple of green notes inside would be fabulous wouldn't it? XD
More to come.....
Birthday Session 1
Am supposed to celebrate Sze Wey's Bday with Jin Sern..... so stayed awake after back from work....
about 10.30 pm.... Jin Sern called and thought might just catch up a while with Sze Wey, passed him his present and go to bed....
who knows something else was waiting.....
So, I went down the lift and halfway inside the lift..... something suddenly popped into my mind telling me to go through the carpark instead of straight to the lift.... but it was too late to do a detour lol .... so yea I kept going.
Saw Jin Sern there standing.... by himself.... feeling a bit weird and ackward..... I walked towards him... still asking him where Sze Wey was... Waiting in his car was the reply....
so we made our way to the Bourke St entrance and standing there were Kush with a cake and candle lit on..... CJ, Xin Yu, KK, Lo Yi, Jean, Pei Xian, James, Lynn, Sephine, Eevon, Robin, Alicia, and quite surprisingly Jacq!!!
I was like *speechless*
Last year Lay Leng, Jacq, PJ, Yit Ming, and Janet did exactly the same thing....
and this year I was still tricked by Mr Toh.... I never learn, do I? ha6
But newai it was a surprise and I appreciate it.....
Thanks a lot everybody..... My gratitude...
and Honourable Mention to Jin Sern.....
Thanks for organising this..... I am amazed and awed..... Truly appreciate your effort =p
Friday, 3 October 2008
Holidays Part 2
Planned to wake up at 7.... and yes I did wake up at 7...
I continued sleeping in until 11.... haha....
Newai.... woke up, brunch..... getting ready for WORK again.....
To Melbourne Central to get some stuff for Sze Wey before off for work.....
Oh, it's Sze Wey's Bday today newai....
Vu's still doing his first aid course.... but Karen could work in the morning.... which is pretty good...
Newai.... today's shift is 2-9.... just like my first shift when I started working....
Sounds better than yesterday, doesn't it?
Wait till you see the best part.....
It was alright when I came in..... BUT starting from 3 or 4 o'clock... store so busy....
Patients keep coming in.... Scripts keep arriving.... seriously Non Stop until we closed....
Ok... I was a bit exaggerating.... 15 min free interval between incoming batches? lol
Guess how many scripts we dispensed on that day? 415 scripts!!!!!
And I swear I did half of those.... haha... Quite unusual in our store.... but not others... lol
Felt like being a machine..... We should hire a technician in our store Hui.... ><
Reached home about 10.... wish could go to bed straight away..... but Up to celebrating Sze Wey's Bday with Jin Sern......
Ended up...........
Holidays Part 1
what an irony eh? Mid semester was like weeks ago... lol but still better than nothing... ha6
Newai guess how I spent my day?
Working!!!! Yes I was working last Monday.... Find that a bit ordinary?
It's a whole day shift.... 10am - 9pm... how does that sound? was covering for Vu... he was up to some first aid course or sth....
Newai it was not too bad though.... not too busy I mean.... like 325 scripts? pretty good...
And I did like 130 scripts? hmm... getting faster eh.... haha
I am amazed that I survived though... 11 hour work straight.... haha....
By the time I got home I was so exhausted that I went to bed straight after shower.... can't do much more.... ha6
Wonder how Vu survived his everyday wholeday shift?
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Ein Trauriger Geburtstag....
Sie kommten zu mir
Warum bin ich sehr traurig????
das verstehe ich nicht....
wenn ich an ihm denken..... bin ich trauriger und trauriger......
Diese traurigkeit...... Warum?
Es geht nicht......
Ich weiß nicht, was soll es bedeuten,
Daß ich so traurig bin,
Ein Märchen aus alten Zeiten,
Das kommt mir nicht aus dem Sinn.
Die Luft ist kühl und es dunkelt,
Und ruhig fließt der Rhein;
Der Gipfel des Berges funkelt,
Im Abendsonnenschein.
Sunday, 28 September 2008
when you know
You've made a person's day....
Even though it's only for today.....
Friday, 26 September 2008
瑪格莉 so amusing haha.....
Wonder if I could watch this channel here......
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Mr X : Hey, do you believe in Friendship?
Wii : Why? Anything in particular bout that?
Mr X : Just tell me....
Wii : Err.... I used to.... but...
Mr X : Huh?
Wii : Newai, I learnt it the hardway........
So there it went on and on.....
Apparently what happened is, he is fed up with people he considered as his friends...... Complex but in short pretty similar to what I experienced......
Sigh... Why out of a sudden????
是我把事情當作太天真, 還是他人根本不懂做人的道理???
Relax.... Calm Down!!!!! DON'T Panic!!!!
Look at the big picture.... Don't focus only on what is given. Instead THINK why it is given!!!!
Don't let the time rush you.... RUSH the TIME instead....
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Solar Halo....


from (btw that's one of Medan's landmark on Jl. Pandu)
Solar Halo..... Occuring yesterday.... Monday, 22 September 2008 between 10.30 - 13.00 WIB in MEDAN!!!! yes MEDAN!!!!
What a phenomenon..... First time seeing it..... even though not in person..... hmm.... wonder how it feels there......
Look just awesome, don't they?
Monday, 22 September 2008
Been so long since the last time we had this kind of weather....
Feel so nice.... he6
Then suddenly this poem just popped out from my mind out of nowhere....
pretty cool I reckon....
It's SPRING people!!!!
Sunday, 21 September 2008
My newest Crave..
Trying to lead a healthier diet lately.... ehm ehm XD
Been taking rye bread for digestive health and sustained glucose release (It's low GI btw)
Tit Bits change... Instead of munching chips or cookies.... try some new, natural and healthy stuffs....
Almond is one of those..... the fragrance, subtle sweet taste just so nice.... And most IMPORTANTLY, it's rich in protein and LOW in saturated fat XD
Black beans pretty good as well.... try is a must!!!!
Oh.... and My old good mate, DARK CHOCOLATE, is still on the list newai....
It's considered healthy "gourmet" too.....
Look at the rich ANTIOXIDANT, rapid source of Glucose... whenever you need it, AND it acts as a "multipurpose" protective layer on your tummy.... i.e. keep you full and prevent gastric irritation... lol
FAT content? Disregard.... since benefits outweigh losses.... haha
Cotrimoxazole 160/800 o i q12h pc
Benzoyl Peroxide 5% top paa m
Adapalene 0.1% top paa n
Let's see how it goes.....
Saturday, 20 September 2008
To Do List...
ONE Mini Test.... To be done
ONE Medium Test.... To be completed
ONE Large Test.... To be solved
Atas Nama Cinta
Atas nama cinta
Hati ini tak mungkin terbagi
Sampai nanti bila aku mati
Cinta ini hanya untuk engkau
Atas nama cinta
Kurelakan jalanku merana
Asal engkau akhirnya denganku
Kubersumpah atas nama cinta
Friday, 19 September 2008
Went over an old song yesterday
Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey
Ost Prince of Egypt
Yep Yep... When You Believe....
One of the songs from Vielly's compilation that she gave me before I came over to Melbourne....
An excerpt from the lyrics....
There can be miracle
When you believe
Though Hope is frail
It's hard to kill
Who knows what miracle
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe...
Is it really that way?
Miracles.... Will it ever show itself?
Hmm.... who knows?
Yet one of my rule of thumbs says......
"There is always a cause associated with an effect"
Pretty much what goes around the 三世因果
So.... Is there such a thing known as Miracle?
Started 17.00 AESTD
Ended 17.10 AESTD
Wonder how it looks like?
Huge fluffy and soaky ice pieces.....
just like 100x usual rain droplets....
and the hail melts as soon as it touches a surface....
Pretty awesome... I think.... :)
すみません みな さん
Our characters seem to be similar, well in a way....
And all the stuffs I've gone through.....
Newai, it just seems to me that the way we deal with problem appears to be the same... ha6
And end up.... ><
Must have dragged everyone off the track all along....
My apology....
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Take a piece of paper and write down the answers.. The analysis is in the end....
You are in a deep deep forest... as you walk on you saw an old hut standing there...
(1) What is the status of the door? (Opened/closed)
(2)You enter the hut and see a table... What is the shape of the table? (Round/Oval/Square/Rectangle/Triangle)
(3) On top of the table there is a vase... in the vase there is water. How much water is it filled up with? (Full/Half/Empty)
(4)And what is the vase made of? (Glass/porcelain/clay) (metal/plastic/wood)
(5)You walk out of the hut... as you carry on your walk in the forest... you see a waterfall from far... there is water running down...
What is the speed of the water? (Choose a number ranging from 0 to 10)
(6)Some time after the waterfall... you step on something hard on the ground... as you look down... you see glistening gold in colour. You bend down and pick it up... it is a keychain chained with keys...
How many key /keys you see hanging on the keychain? (Choose a number ranging from 1 to 10)
(7)You walk on and on... trying to find your way out...suddenly you see a castle.
What is the condition of the castle? (Old/new)
(8)You enter the castle and saw a pool of murky water with shining jewels floating on it...Will you pick up the jewel? (YES/NO)
(9)Next to the murky pool... there’s another pool... with clear water and money floating on it...
Will you pick the money? (YES/NO)
(10)Walking to the end of the castle there is an proceed to walk out of the castle. Outside the exit, there is big garden, you see a box on the ground.
What is the size of the box? (small/medium/big)
(11)What is the material of the box? (cardboard/paper/wooden/metal)
(12)There is a bridge in the garden some distance away from the box, What is the bridge made of?
(13)Across the bridge, there is a horse. What is the colour of the horse? (white/grey/brown/black)
(14)What is the horse doing? (still and quiet/nibbling grass/running about)
(15)OH NO!!! There is a tornado coming... some distance from the horse. You have 3 options:
(i) run and hide in the box?
(ii) run and hide under the bridge?
(iii) run to the horse, ride on and gallop away?
Here are the interpretations:
(1)The door:
opened door - you are a person who is willing to share
closed door - you are a person who is keeping things to yourself
(2)The table:
Round/oval - any friends that came along, you will accept and trust them completely.
Square/rectangle - you are a bit more choosy on friends and only hang out with those whom you think are on the same frequency.
Triangle - you are really very very picky about friends and there are not many friends in your life.
(3)Water in vase:
Empty - your life is not fulfilled
Half filled - what you want in your life is half fullfilled
Full - your life is completely fulfilled and good for you! :)
(4) Material of vase:
glass/clay/porcelain - you are weak in your life and tends to be fragile
metal/plastic/wood - you are strong in your life
(5)Flow of waterfall:
0 - no sex drive at all
1 to 4 - low sex drive
5 - average sex drive
6 to 9 - high sex drive
10 - gone case!!! super high sex drive!!! Can’t live without sex...
1 - you have one good friend in your life
2 to 5 - you have a few good friends in your life
6 to 10 - you have a lot good friends
(7) Castle:
Old - shows that your last relationship is not a good one and is not memorable to you.
New - your last relationship is good and it’s still fresh in your heart.
(8)The jewel from the murky pool water:
YES - when your partner is around you, you will flirt around with others.
NO - when your partner is around, you will stick around with him/her most of the time.
(9)The money from the clear water pool:
YES - when your partner is not around you, you will still flirt around with others.
NO - even when your partner is not around, you will still think of her and and will be loyal to him/her, not flirting around with others.
(10) The size of the box:
small - low ego
medium - average ego
big - high ego
(11) Material of the box (outlook of the box):
cardboard/paper/wooden(non-shining) – humble personality
metal - proud and stuck up personality
(12) The material of the bridge:
metal bridge - have very strong bond with your friends
wooden bridge - average bond with your friends
rattan bridge - you are not in good terms with your friends
(13) Colour of the horse:
white - your partner is pure and good in your heart.
grey/brown - your partner is only average in your heart.
black - your partner doesn’t seem to be good in your heart and appears to be bad sign.
(14) Horse action:
still and quiet/nibbling grass - your partner is a very homely and humble person.
running about - your partner is a wild type person.
(15)This the last but most important part of the test.
From how I ended the story... a tornado approaches...
What are you going do? There are only 3 options:
(i) run and hide in the box?
(ii) run and hide under the bridge?
(iii) run to the horse, ride on and gallop away?
What will you choose?
Now, the above is signified by these things:
tornado - problems in your life
box - you
bridge - your friends
horse - your partner
(i) So if you choose the box, you keep your problems to yourself whenever you are met with problems.
(ii) or if you choose the bridge, you will go to your friends whenever you are met problems.
(iii) or lastly if you choose the horse, you seek your partner whenever your partner whenever you are met
with problems.
How was it?
This month is spreeing month!!!
As if.... =.=!!
Who would have guessed it would cost that much?
I was quite surprised actually....
But yea personally I would charge that amount as well....
Thats how much my proffessional service would be....
Also never know Cotrimoxazole can be used for the same indication as Minocycline.....
Literally would be better I suppose in a sense that it is more tolerable than the latter one, including all the adverse effects....
Hope I made the right choice...
Newai Hope what I spent worths it though....
Let's see if there is any changes after three months.....
Now I think I should seriously consider transferring.....
Look at the future out there.....
Nothing to look forward from the present circumstances also....
But then would mean a more lengthy study....
Not to mention all the efforts I've given so far being futile....
Monday, 15 September 2008
Thanks People....
and you need some loving care
and nothing oh nothing is going right.
Close your eyes and think of me
and soon I will be there
to brighten up whoa even your darkest nights.
You just call out my name
and you know whereever I am
I'll come running to see you again.
Winter spring summer or fall
all you have to do is call
and I'll be there yeah yeah yeah.
You've got a friend.
If the sky above you
should grow dark and full of clouds
and that old north wind should begin to blow
Keep your head together and call my name out loud baby
and soon I will be knocking upon your door.
You just call out my name and you know where ever I am
I'll come running to see you again.
Winter, spring, summer or fall
all you got to do is call
and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey, ain't it good to know that you've got a friend?
People can be so cold.
They'll hurt you and desert you.
Well they'll take your soul if you let them.
But don't you let them.
You just call out my name and you know oh wherever I am
I'll come running and runing oh yea yea to see you again.
Winter spring, summer or fall
Now all you've got to do is call.
And I'll be there yea yea yea.
You've got a friend.
You've got a friend.
Ain't it good to know you've got a friend.
Ain't it good to know you've got a friend.
You've got a friend.
James Taylor - You've Got a Friend
Mooncake Festival....
I know it's a bit late for this post... but hey back in Indo it's only 9 pm so it still counts.... lol
Newai received a couple of greetings from my friends... was ages since we the last time we got in touch... Highschool and Trinity Hmm.... wat a time.....
Thought might share it with everyone..... so hereby I wish everyone a good one!!!!
Oh yeah, it's got my name on it but just make it your name since I am wishing you all... =p
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Even a stranger.....
Why do I bother helping them? It's like a spontaneous reaction....
Happened a couple of time before and again it happened this afternoon when I was coming home from work.....
Well it's no big deal anyway, just that I feel being tricked afterwards.....
Just like last time when I was still in Highschool....
Should have seen through what she was after since the beginning.....
Shouldn't have landed my hand on the wrong site...
But yea there it goes... I've done it again....
Am I that gullible?
Seriously need to 增長智慧...
<+++++--> Need to balance it up... like what my shi fu told me....
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Confidence and Courage....
What have I learnt throughout my work so far?
I can't even see myself doing a proper counselling.....
Okay.... Haven't been on Doxycycline before....
What need to be conveyed?
Take with food
Heaps of water
Don't Lie down straight after administration
Avoid taking antacids and metal supplements with doxycycline at the same time
But then.... where the heck is my confidence? Sometimes I even get lost in my own words..... and worst I dun think I am speaking proper English at all.... as in I stuttered and gargled when I talk..... Haiizzz....
But then suddenly.....
Here's the story...
Was having lunch last Monday..... One of the menu was PRAWNS....
So.... we were having fun ingesting our food.... no problem at all.... lovely....
Then we left the restaurant and went back home....
Still good nothing happened just yet...
After reaching home, I cleaned the bathroom and toilet.... everything went pretty good when suddenly I felt stinging pain and itchy sensation on my chest ..... thought I accidentally splashed myself with the chemicals.... Hey but that doesn't make sense.... I've on to those stuffs pretty often and nothing had happened before......
Still bearing the pain and itchiness, I continued with the cleaning.... until I can't bear it and start scratching it.... felt better but no good.... looked at the mirror oh no it's swollen..... so I put on some topical corticosteroid and local anaesthetic.... ok thought solved the problem.... continue with the cleaning....
BUT hey.... my arms and body start getting really itchy now.... STRUTH!!! what the heck was that? quickly finished up my almost done chores... and once done a quick screen on the affected areas.... and whoops.... swelling, redness, itchy and painful all over upper part of my body..... It's urticaria.... Lucky that I always stock anti histamine at home... just in case.... so end up taking Loratadine.... and the hives went off soon after....
Been thinking of what gave me such reaction.... Suspect is the prawns we ate during lunch..... Called her and..... she also developed allergic reaction (which she never had from eating prawns before).... just that she got swollen eyes lol.... worse than mine... haha good that she stocks Cetirizine with her as well... so it was resolved soon.... haha... Newai I think reaction would differ amongst people.... haha
Whats wrong with the prawns? That's so weird.... haha.... never order prawns from that restaurant anymore.... lol
Oh... been doing Autacoids this semester.... *wink wink*
Familiarised myself with triple action of Histamine and H1 antagonist THE HARD WAY... lol
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
What's Wrong?
Is it only a coincidence or .... ?
So far FOUR of my friends faced a problem similar to mine.... Erhhmmm If dats how you address it..... lol
What's wrong people?
Friday, 5 September 2008
What would it be?
A wish that would change everything.....
A wish that would make your life more meaningful.....
A wish that would make the world a better place for everyone....
What would YOUR wish be?
Thursday, 4 September 2008
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Here are the results.... Sound like me? Hmmph...
What Zanpakutou Would You Have?
Hosted By Anime
What Personality Problem Are You?
Hosted By Anime
What Bleach Minor Character Are You?
Hosted By Anime
What Division Are You In?
Hosted By Anime
Which Espada Member are You?
Hosted By Anime
What�s Your Bleach Fun-ness Level?
Hosted By Anime