Monday, 30 June 2008

Rules of Thumb....

This is what Michael taught me.... hahaha

As a pharmacist, THREE things you must always remember in ORDER...




and.... It's not too late yet to transfer... Pharmacy sucks... wat the?
hahaha sometimes I wonder wats going on.... Doron told me this on the first day... then came Jason... and now Michael.... THREE times... hey THREE times... Maybe I should consider transferring to dentistry or medicine... haha

Lessons to remember...

Trust ONLY yourself... People sucks....

Never depend on others... Remember they SUCKS!!!

Do NOT hang too much hope on others... You'll end up in deep SHIT...

Do what you think you have to do ONLY...

Don't get too excited... It's only TEMPORARY.

Everything that comes around will definitely go away... It's only a matter of TIME!!!

When someone disappoints you, think again WHO in the FIRST place asked you to dip your arse in?

Thursday, 26 June 2008


Float Feathers unto the sky.....

Glide thy smoothly in the air....

As pure as the whitey snow...

On the ground scatter thyself like petals..

Thy remnants are none but memories.

Tuesday, 24 June 2008


Dancing flowers flitter down over the blue sea

Sparkling, flaring, burning...

Heedfully, unto the sky.

Petals pour down like fireworks.

Fireworks explode, sadness takes over....

Monday, 23 June 2008


Die Krähen schrein
Und ziehen schwirren Flugs zur Stadt:
Bald wird es schnein-
Wohl dem, der jetzt noch eine Heimat hat!

Nun Stehst du starr
Schaust rückwärts, ach! wie lange schon!
Was bist du, Narr,
Vor Winter in die Welt entflohn?

Die Welt-ein Tor
Zu tausend Wüsten stumm und kalt!
Wer das verlor
Was du verlorst, macht nirgends halt.

Nun stehst du bleich,
Zur Winterwanderschaft verflucht,
Dem Rauche gleich,
Der stets nach kältern Himmeln sucht.

Flieg, Vogel, schnarr'
Dein Lied in Wüstenvogelton!-
Versteck', du Narr,
Dein blutends Herz in Eis und Hohn!

Die Krähen schrein
Und ziehen schwirren Flugs zur Stadt:
Bald wird es schnein,
Weh dem, der keine Heimat Hat.

Auf Friedrich Nietzsche


To whom it may concern,

Wii is currently so sick of being a LIBRARY...


A puzzle...

Sometimes I would like to visit the zoo again, looking at birds, who wonder if they can fly out the cage one day. I also think how those birds feel if they have a friend who will always be there soaring in the clear blue sky together. For me, such moment would be the best time one could have especially when so much freedom is granted after being kept in the cage for so long. I, once encountered two sparrows who need a farmer to be with them all the time. During this moment they would make him smile... In exchange the farmer would sing and his voice seems to bring joy to the sparrows and life to the flowers around them even though the condition is just too tough for them to grow well. Despite the harsh weather and the infertile ground, the flowers struggle to bloom and grow. When I look at those flowers end up showing the most amazing colours in the world, it sparks my heart, giving me joy and peace. The farmer has been caring for both the sparrows and the flowers until people start noticing the wonder the farmer makes, but I somehow feel that people have none to care other than themselves. Even I myself sometimes wonder what I can do to keep up with what the farmer do or perhaps the sparrows who bring such a joy to the farmer. Were the birds here, they might be looking upon me watching and rearing my heart so that it can be as strong as the farmer's. His wife however is so different from her husband. She thinks that her husband is being stupid and his kindness is just too genuine to be true. What she said is perhaps true in that I believe that people need to have a balance in their lives. This sure creates a line separating my view of the difference in the attitudes and characteristics of the farmer and his wife towards other people


Birds and farmer are seriously the worst opponents in the world....
Garbage is supposed to be in chucked in the bin...
The puzzle is just too long...

Saturday, 21 June 2008


Your Five Factor Personality Profile


You have low extroversion.

You are quiet and reserved in most social situations.

A low key, laid back lifestyle is important to you.

You tend to bond slowly, over time, with one or two people.


You have high conscientiousness.

Intelligent and reliable, you tend to succeed in life.

Most things in your life are organized and planned well.

But you borderline on being a total perfectionist.


You have medium agreeableness.

You're generally a friendly and trusting person.

But you also have a healthy dose of cynicism.

You get along well with others, as long as they play fair.


You have medium neuroticism.

You're generally cool and collected, but sometimes you do panic.

Little worries or problems can consume you, draining your energy.

Your life is pretty smooth, but there's a few emotional bumps you'd like to get rid of.

Openness to experience:

Your openness to new experiences is medium.

You are generally broad minded when it come to new things.

But if something crosses a moral line, there's no way you'll approve of it.

You are suspicious of anything too wacky, though you do still consider creativity a virtue.

Friday, 20 June 2008


Während der Prüfungen, rieft ihr mich jeden Tag an
Jetzt haben wir keinen mehr zu machen
Verbindungen bekomme ich keine mehr...


Warum ruft ihr mich an, nur wenn ihr mich braucht?
Ist das was ein Freund beduetet?
Können wir nicht zusammen spielen oder spazierengehen?
Warum muss ihr mich nur zu studieren finden?

Manchmal fühle ich mich einsam
Vielleicht Freunde habe ich keine...
Nur die leute, die mir benutzt, habe ich
Aber warum?
Warum lass ihr mich stehen?
Ich helfe euch, wenn ich das machen können, immer
Ich lasse euch mir stören, wann ich mich alleine studieren möchte
Und jetzt?
Prüfungen haben wir alles schon gemacht
und läss ihr mich alleine?


Warum muss ich an euch denke, wenn ihr für mich nicht sorgt?
Vielleicht sehr dum bin ich...
Es ist jetzt aber sinnloss dieser sachen zu sagen
Noch alleine bin ich während der Ferien
Es ist immer auf diese Weise
Möglicherweiser, ist das mein Schicksal
Keine dicke Freunde habe...


"Ein Freund in der Not ist ein wahrer Freund"

Yeah ganz "WAHR"
Pfui! TEUFEL!!!!!!

Also willkomme ich mich zu diesen langweiligen Ferien....
und "lieber Freunde".... Leck mich am Arsch!!!!!!

Wednesday, 18 June 2008


Been wandering about Youtube then I found this mini clip.... A lady playing 笛子.... sorta chinese traditional bamboo flute....
Such a wonderful piece.... her emotions flowing throughout the melody produced by the vibrating flute.....
Thinking of sharing it with everyone..... especially the first part....
The feeling content....

What dya think?

Tuesday, 17 June 2008


SIX months.....
The moment we know each other....
The time where I found my true self again....
The period when you keep on making me struggling forward tumultously....

SIX months
Is just way too short.....
Is not sufficient to explore all the capacity I may have....
Is not enough for you to see me soaring with all the things you have taught me....

SIX months ago
You took me in
You showed me what I am capable of
You shaped me to what I am now

SIX months
I build my trust upon you and attach myself towards you....
I learn what it means to care for people.....
I develop skills essential for me to walk down this path of mine....

SIX months
You share your knowledge with me....
You bestow your care upon me....
You keep the door open for me to enter....

SIX days ago
I planned to run my holidays with you again
I made lots of arrangements to show my gratitude and care
I had in mind what to share with you

SIXty four hours ago
Everything vanished
My mind was shattered into pieces
I was left astray without any single notice

Yet I do take your words SERIOUSLY....
I am taking those as your PROMISES
I shall wait and make it to your EXPECTANCY...
I shall not DISAPPOINT you
Until that time shows itself again....
Take care and do well

Sunday, 15 June 2008

Rules of Thumb????

1. Jika sudah terjadi masalah, tdk harus dihindari (bingung), tapi HARUS DIHADAPI dengan tenang (dipikirkan jalan keluarnya) dan pasti selesai/ ada jalan keluarnya.

2. Menghadapi semua hal, tdk boleh berpikir negatif, seperti: "saya pasti tdk mampu", "saya tdk bisa", dan seterusnya. Tapi selalu berpikir positif, seperti: "saya bisa, pasti ada jalan keluarnya" dan lain lain.

3. Sudah dan senang semuanya tergantung pikiran saja!! ( Pikiran adalah pelopor!!). Jadi jaga pikiran kita baik - baik. Jangan pikir yang jelek/negatif. Selalu berpikir yang positif (baik).

4. Segala kesulitan/kesusahan akan berakhir. sebesar apapun masalahnya akan selesai juga dengan berjalannya waktu. Seperti pepatah mengatakan : TIDAK ADA PESTA YANG TIDAK BERAKHIR.

5. Orang yg sukses 85% ditentukan dari sikap/prilaku, 15% baru ditentukan ketrampilan. Jadi sikap kita dalam hidup ini sangat penting.

6. Segala sesuatu berubah (anicca). Kita tdk perlu susah. Misalnya : sekarang susahnya, selanjutnya pasti berubah menjadi senang. sekarang ada orang yang tdk senang pada kita, suatu saat nanti akan baik juga.

7. Hukum karma, berarti berbuat baik akan mendapat hasil baik dan sebaliknya, seperti tanam padi, pasti panen padi. Ingat!! Usahakan setiap saat selalu berbuat (tanam) kebaikan agar mendapatkan (panen) kebaikan. Jgn melakukan kejahatan. Dan jgn berharap mendapat balasan dari perbuatan baik kita!!!

8. Kesehatan asalah paling nomor satu (berhaga). Jaga kesehatan kita dengan olahraga, istirahat yang cukup dan jangan makan sembarangan.

9. Hidup ini penuh dengan masalah/persoalan/penderitaan. Jadi kita sdh tahu TIDAK MUNGKIN SELALU LANCAR/TENANG. Siapkan mental, tabah, sabar dan tenaga untuk menghadapinya. itulah kenyataan hidup yang harus dihadapi oleh setiap manusia.

10. Masa depan seseorang sangat tergantung pada sikap dan buku buku yang dibaca. Jadi membaca sangat penting dan menentukan masa depan seseorang.

11. Jangan membicarakan kejelekan orang lain, karena kita akan dinilai jelek oleh orang yg mendengarkannya.

12. Pergaulan sangat penting dan merupakan salah satu kunci sukses. Boleh bergaul dengan orang jahat maupun baik asal kita HARUS TAHU DIRI/JANGAN TERPENGARUH LINGKUNGAN. Lebih baik lagi apabila kita bisa menuntun yang jahat ke jalan yang benar.

13. Budi orang tua, tidak dapat dibayar dengan apapun juga. begitu juga dengan budi orang2 yang telah membantu kita.

14. Setiap manusia memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan. Jadi jangan minder dengan kekurangan kita. dan jangan iri dengan kelebihan orang. HARGAILAH DIRIMU APA ADANYA!!!

15. JANGAN MEMPERTENTANGKAN (MEMPERDEBATKAN) hal hal kecil yang tdk berguna dengan siapapun juga.

16. Kunci sukses dlm hidup ini, selalu bersemangat, berusaha, disiplin, sabar, bekerja keras, rajin berdoa/sembahyang, banyak berbuat baik serta tdk blh berputus asa.

17. Jangan Menilai orang dari Harta(kekayaan), penampilan ataupun kondisi fisik. Semua orang itu SAMA!!!

Friday, 13 June 2008

Signs and Symptoms of depression

Intense sadness or despair, mental slowing, loss of concentration, pessimistic worry, agitation, self depreciation, insomnia, HYPERSOMNIA, ANOREXIA, WEIGHT LOSS, overeating, DECREASED libido and ENERGY

Sometimes I wonder if I need an SSRI myself....

Thursday, 12 June 2008


I hate people with TWO or even worse MULTIPLE faces

I dislike people who say ONE at first then TWO the next minute

I detest people who talk TWO times as much when they should just keep their mouths shut

I loathe people who say they know nothing but their "hollywood class actings" reveal that they know TWICE as much

I despise people who cannot stop showing off when others have implicitly tell them to do so TWICE

Sunday, 8 June 2008







