Tuesday 20 May 2014


Talking to one of my friends just now and he left me with the word "FATE"

This keeps me my mind going for a while

It is just so unbelievable, how people meet each other...

I couldn't understand myself...

Why is it when I see someone for the first time, it feels as if I know that person??? As if he/she looks so familiar and I feel that I have met him/her somewhere before even though I haven't.

Why is it when I first meet a stranger, I think that we could go along so well? or even worse I feel like he/she is so annoying? Note that this "stereotyping" is still in the thinking process and most of the time, it turns out to exactly as the mind has predicted...

quoting from a Chinese oldies, 渡情

有緣千年來相會, 無緣對面手難牽

It is just too mesmerizing, how this so called fate works.....

I do think that Fate is only a small part of relationship and input from both parties are required to make it work.
Just like planting a tree.... Seedling is the analogy for fate and to make it grow we need a lot to plant, water and nurture it.

I guess will have to appreciate the relationship with every person that I have known, am knowing and yet to know....  For it does not come about easily and once this so called "Fate" slips through it may take a while before the next encounter...

Continuing on the lyrics...


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