Friday 2 January 2009


海角七號 aka Cape No 7

A very very nice movie..... Mixture of comedy and romance.... It's a taiwanese movie... so if you understand 臺語 or Hokkien you'll see why the movie is a good one.... Japs is also a plus... but not much of the story line is in Japs except for the past....

Main actors are 范逸臣 and 田中千絵(tanaka chie)

Wonder why so many languages in this movie? That's because Taiwanese speak Mandarin, hokkien and japs in everyday lives.... he6...

Here a soundtrack from the movie titled 情書... Seriously watch the movie if you can.... it is really really good!!!!!
Grabbed these from youtube.. His playing is awesome though.... feels the whelming emotion....

And this one as well...

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